J. Gafarot's photos with the keyword: Laranjas


11 Jun 2021 26 28 225
Wish you one clear, sunny and happy day. Yes these small oranges are super sweet. Thank you for your visit.

Vila Viçosa II

03 Oct 2019 17 23 253
The sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis) originated in Asia, more precisely in southern China and were brought by the Portuguese in the sec.XVI who also took them to Brazil, Africa, etc. wherever they went with his ships. (The Spaniards also have oranges) but they are bitter and are used mainly for the celebrated British orange candy. Portuguese oranges, because of their sweetness, are well known. The mercies of support to the needy were created from the end of sec.XV until sec.XVII and were linked to Military and Religious Orders and Brotherhoods of masters or to simple individuals such as rich merchants, etc., but also due to the devotion of Kings and Queens and other people of the Nobility and high Clergy. Thus the production of all the street orange trees was forbidden to be touched because their end was only allowed and set to those Institutions.

Vila Viçosa

01 Oct 2019 20 15 274
Fruit-laden orange trees. They refresh, with shade and perfume, the broadest squares and streets of the city. And splash green and orange the predominantly white background of whitewashed walls and marble sidewalk. The visitor most concerned with the uneasiness may wonder why the inhabitants do not catch them for food. “They are harvested to give to children in schools,” by tradition. Before, there was even a fine for those who picked them.