Isisbridge's photos with the keyword: UCLH

UCLH carbuncle

12 Mar 2021 1 62
Ugly Carbuncle London Hospital

Ugly Carbuncle London Hospital

UCLH carbuncle entrance

22 Sep 2017 1 202
designed to make you feel suitably intimidated before seeing the doctor

UCLH migraine

22 Sep 2017 1 193
London bus window shot

delusions of grandeur at UCLH

22 Sep 2017 1 2 213
UCLH Ugly Carbuncle London Hospital

can you OPEN these windows?

22 Sep 2017 189
hope I never have to be an inpatient

ugly hospital welcome

27 Sep 2017 4 134
greetings mixed with prohibition

University College Carbuncle

09 Sep 2017 1 141
UCLH - Ugly Carbuncle London Hospital

nasty angle of UCLH

04 May 2016 1 207
Tottenham Court Road, London

Euston Hulk

04 May 2016 3 164
seriously depressing architecture

migraine-striped hospital

14 Jul 2015 191
UCLH, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing

Cruciform Building

14 Jul 2015 189
University College Hospital

demolished UCLH hospital

14 Jul 2015 149
Grafton Way, London

no photos allowed of UCLH site

14 Jul 2015 1 202
sorry, Mister, you should have told me before I took it