Isisbridge's photos with the keyword: bell

cleaned-up chapel belfry

12 Jul 2022 1 42
St Luke's Chapel, Radcliffe Infirmary

Shrivenham Primary School

30 May 2021 99
Oxfordshire bus window shot

Abinger Hammer clock

10 May 2018 1 75
Surrey bus window shot

Abinger Hammer

10 May 2018 1 104
Surrey bus window shot

Goldington Green Academy

28 Mar 2018 1 130
Bedford bus window shot

push once sign

15 Sep 2017 1 111
to stop bus, ring bell once

old bell pushes

the old bell foundry

18 Feb 2017 113
Burford, Oxfordshire

passing the Cotswold Gateway

18 Feb 2017 143
Oxfordshire bus window shot

St Peter's weather vane

02 Nov 2016 1 176
former girl's grammar school

church bell

24 Sep 2016 1 1 233
St Michael-in-the-Northgate, Oxford

Bell Hotel bell

31 May 2015 184
Aylesbury Market Square

Blanket Hall weather vane

14 May 2015 1 139
Witney, Oxfordshire

chapel belfry

27 Jun 2013 1 270
Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford

old belfry

02 Jun 2013 1 197
St Margate's Church, Binsey, Oxfordshire