HaarFager's photos with the keyword: Ansco Disc HR 20


06 Apr 2023 2 200
This is the pastor of my church as we observed Passover tonight. Watch out for the horseradish! Taken with my little Ansco disc camera. Camera: Ansco Disc HR 20 disc camera Lens: 12.5mm Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 (35mm cut down) Aperture: f/13.5 Date: April 5th, 2022, 6.02 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: 68 degrees Water pre-soak: 2 minutes Developer Adox Adonal 1:50 (500 ml water, 2 tsps. Adox): 25 minutes Water rinse: 1 minute Ilford Ilfostop stopbath: 1 minute (15 secs. agitate, 45 secs. stand) Water rinse: 1 minute Kodak Kodafix fixer: 9 minutes Ansco Disc Fuji Acros 100 2023 01ef

In Bloom

27 Mar 2022 1 195
Flowers are starting to bloom around my yard. These are some daffodils out front that people can clearly see when they drive past. I used some cut down Kodak color film inside an old disc film cartridge. Camera: Ansco Disc HR 20 Lens: 12.5mm Film: Kodak Ultramax 400 Aperture: f/13.5 Date: March 26th, 2022, 4.28 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 mins. and 30 secs. at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200 – 1 minute Ansco Kodak Ultramax 400 2022 13df

Happy Couple

15 Oct 2021 95
I bought a couple exposed Kodak disc films off eBay, so I could attempt to reload them. I thought that they hadn't been shot yet, so I shot this roll through my Ansco Disc HR20 disc camera. When I developed it, I saw some faint images, but nothing that I had remembered shooting. I know for a fact I didn't shoot any people. So, that's how I found it was an old, exposed disc that just hadn't been developed. I don't know how much affect my having shot with it a second time had to do with the quality of the negatives - maybe nothing. This was the best image of all 15 on the disc. The guy on the right reminds me of Eric Morecambe. Developed in a Unicolor C-41 1-litre kit. Kodak Found Disc Film 09ef

Appliance Graveyard

30 Sep 2021 157
This is my neighbor's back yard. He's in the restaurant business and apparently the local town government doesn't care about my property values anymore. I took this with one of my disc cameras and it was a convoluted process. I cut down a piece of black and white film, fit it into an empty disc cartridge, taped it into place, then put the cartridge inside my disc camera – all in the dark. Then I developed it in used Caffenol CM-RS for twice the required length. Camera: Ansco Disc HR 20 Lens: 12.5mm Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 B&W (expired in 06/2015) Aperture: f/13.5 Date: September 29th, 2021, 4.50 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Caffenol CM-RS (all liquids @68 degrees) Water pre-soak: 2 minutes Developer: 22 minutes (4 wine glass swirls every 30 seconds) Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 minute Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Kodak Kodafix Fixer: 9 minutes (4 wine glass swirls every 60 seconds) Water rinse: 1 minute Ansco Disc Fuji Acros 100 2021 11ff


28 Sep 2021 283
A fuel tank of some kind, and it’s just adjacent to my property. I took this with one of my disc cameras and it was a convoluted process. I cut down a piece of black and white film, fit it into an empty disc cartridge, taped it into place, then put the cartridge inside my disc camera – all in the dark. Then I developed it in used Caffenol CM-RS (that had been sitting around for two weeks), for about twice the required length. This shot didn't turn out too bad, so I can now say this is another camera in my collection that I've used and got a decent image to show for it. With some of these cameras, though, it's tough trying to figure out a way to get them to function and take a picture. Camera: Ansco Disc HR 20 Lens: 12.5mm Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 B&W (expired in 06/2015) Aperture: f/13.5 Date: September 28th, 2021, 2.32 a.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Caffenol CM-RS (all liquids @68 degrees) Water pre-soak: 2 minutes Developer: 20minutes (4 wine glass swirls every 30 seconds) Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 minute Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Kodak Kodafix Fixer: 9 minutes (2 inversions every minute) Water rinse: 1 minute Ansco Disc Fuji Acros 100 2021 09df

Ansco Disc HR 20

28 Feb 2020 1 200
An old disc camera I've had for a long time.

Test Shot

28 Feb 2020 1 1 187
Some of my home canning. This was a test shot using an old disc camera I've had for years. Since they don't make disc film anymore and they employ a special disc which I never shot and don't have any old ones to re-use in any way, I had to improvise and cut down some 35mm film to use in the camera. Without the disc, the focal plane was off and that's what caused it to be severly out of focus. But, at least I got the camera to take a picture. Camera: Ansco Disc HR 20 Lens: 12.5mm Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 B&W Aperture: f/13.5 Date: October 26th, 2019, 12.27 a.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals @20°C/68.0°F Presoak: 2 minutes Developer: Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 16 minutes (15 second initial agitation) Water Rinse: 1 minute Ilford lfostop: 15 second agitation, 45 second stand Water Rinse: 1 minute Ilford Hypam Fixer: 8 minutes Water Rinse: 2 minutes Developing chemicals @20°C/68.0°F Presoak: 2 minutes Developer: Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes (15 second initial agitation) Water Rinse: 1 minute Ilford lfostop: 15 second agitation, 45 second stand Water Rinse: 1 minute Ilford Hypam Fixer: 8 minutes Water Rinse: 1 minutes Ansco Disc Fuji Acros 100 06ff