HaarFager's photos with the keyword: New York New York

Gramercy Park Hotel, 1999

04 Feb 2022 117
This is the Gramercy Park Hotel, in Manhattan, (New York City), and I stayed at it for a couple nights in 1999.

Empire State Building

12 Jul 2013 3 5 394
A close view from below. I was situated on Fifth Avenue and had to step off the sidewalk into the street to get this particular angle. Taken on March 19th, 1999.

The Flatiron Building

04 Dec 2018 2 2 372
A view of the Flatiron Building, in New York City. When completed in 1902, and at 20 stories, it was one of the tallest buildings in New York City. Camera: Canon Sure Shot Owl Film: Kodak Gold 100 Lens: Canon Lens 35mm, f/4.5 Date: March 19th, 1999, 11.53 a.m. Location: New York City, New York, U.S.A. Canon Gold 100 New York-2 07ff

On Television, It Always Looked So Much Bigger

11 Aug 2016 1 5 291
This is me standing next to the "Statue of Liberty" in March 1999. Well, it was in New York City.

The Empire State Building

03 Aug 2016 2 2 308
This is the Empire State Building, as seen from below on Fifth Avenue. Photographed in 1999.

Me Inside The Statue Of Liberty, 1999

03 Aug 2016 298
The title pretty much says it all. My ex-wife took this with my camera.

Save My Walrus

17 Mar 2014 4 12 504
If you've ever watched the cartoon, "Ren and Stimpy," you'll know what the title means. This will be for The Sunday Challenge group, which I have just recently joined.

The Flatiron Building

17 Feb 2014 10 4 444
An interesting building. It was built in 1902 to fit on the piece of real estate it occupies. I snapped it on a solo excursion down the streets of the Big Apple. Taken on March 19th, 1999.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

23 Nov 2013 4 535
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, in New York City. As photographed in 1999. This is one of my favorite pieces of architecture, I love it's unique lines. It was the last building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. My mother's maiden name was Wright.