HaarFager's photos with the keyword: 1971 Buick

1971 Buick Electra 225

25 Oct 2019 3 1 424
This old 1971 Buick Electra 225 was in excellent shape just sitting there in the parking lot of the Marion VA hospital. Camera: Soligor SR-300 MD (Minolta X-300 clone) Lens: SMinolta MD Zoom 28-70mm, f/3.5, @40mm Film: Fuji Fujicolor 200 Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/500 Date: July 5th, 2019, 3.59 p.m. Location: Marion, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak PhotoFlo 200: 1 minute Soligor Fuji 200 2019 13ff