HaarFager's photos with the keyword: Cannon

Me And The Cannon, 2019

18 Apr 2019 1 2 193
This is me standing next to a howitzer that used to sit beside Benton Lake. They have moved it into town near the square now.

Civil War Cannon

17 Dec 2017 501
A Civil War-era cannon that was made at Fort Pitt Foundry. The Fort Pitt Foundry was located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It made cannons for the Civil War and shut down at the close of the war. It's located at Veteran's Park, in Carmi, Illinois. Camera: Minolta X-370 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 B&W Filter: Hoya HMC Skylight (1B) Shooting Program: Manual Aperture: F/8 Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec. Date: September 22nd, 2016, 1.35 p.m. Location: Carmi, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 13 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 10 minutes, 3 inversions every minute 5 minutes rinse in running water. 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 60 seconds X-370 Tri-X 2016 02df