HaarFager's photos with the keyword: Memories

Memory Bridge

05 Aug 2023 140
This is a bridge that was built over a stream located at Dolan's Lake, a nearby camping and fishing place. My late first ex-wife told me when we were still together that her father had helped to build this bridge back in the 1960s. It's memories like this that a person never forgets. Camera: Canon Sure Shot TeleMax Film: Fuji Film 200 Date: October 30th, 2015, 5.00 p.m. Location: Dolan's Lake, Hamilton County, Illinois, U.S.A. Canon Telemax1 Fuji 200 08ef

Memories Indoor and Outdoor 200

25 Mar 2022 134
I'm not sure if the name "Memories" is the name of a chain of stores or just a made-up name of some rebranded film to be carried by stores. A little research on this revealed that it was a brand of film sold at .99 cent stores for a dollar.

No Name 200 Film

10 Mar 2022 1 91
Some no name film I found on eBay. I suspect they're both store brands, but I've never heard of either one.

Memories Color 200

24 Feb 2022 1 81
This Memories film, I think it was from a chain of stores, says on the back that it was made in Japan. You know what that means - Fuji Film, most likely.

Off-Brand Film

14 Sep 2021 174
Some store brand films, (expired of course!), that I love to shoot so much! Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Shanghai GP3 100 B&W Shooting Program: Manual Aperture: f/16 Shutter Speed: “B” (bulb) 10 seconds Date: September 20th, 2020, 8.21 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals: Adox Adonal @68 degrees Water pre-soak: 4 minutes Developer: 1 ½ hour stand Water rinse: 1 minute (to keep chemicals clean) Stop Bath: 1 minute Water rinse: 1 minute Fixer: 9 minutes Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Minolta XD11 Shanghai 100 2020-1 36df