HaarFager's photos with the keyword: Vegetables

Tomato Plants

14 Nov 2024 36
These are a couple tomato plants I’ve been growing in my library since last July 2022. They're starting to have a few tomatoes ripen and in fact, I picked the first three just last week. It’s been a fun experiment and now there are dozens of blooms and at least a dozen or so tomatoes getting bigger and bigger and ready to ripen. An experiment I can really sink my teeth in! Camera: Easy Shot Mini Disposable No. 1 Lens: Plastic Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 (expired 10/2019) Date: May 16th, 2023, 10.36 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals @68 degrees: Adox Adonal: 1:50 – 21 minutes (2 tsp. of Adonal/500 ml. water) Water Rinse: 1 minute Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 minute Water Rinse: 1 minute Kodak Kodafix Fixer: 9 minutes Water Rinse: 1 minute Easy Shot Mini Karla-1 Fuji Acros 100 2023 01ff


20 May 2024 2 67
Some celery I was dicing up.

Hamburger Goulash

15 Sep 2023 1 3 148
I did some more home canning last week and this is what I canned. 19 quarts of vegetables such as potatoes, green beans, carrots and corn; tomato juice and hamburger. My mother used to call it hamburger goulash, but it's not really a traditional goulash recipe. But it sure is good on those long, cold winter nights. Just open, then heat and serve.

Five More Tomatoes

03 Jun 2023 2 1 187
I picked five more tomatoes today, June 2nd, 2023, off the experimental tomato plants I'm growing in my library. They're doing fine!

Ride The Tomato

01 Oct 2022 3 2 104
A G.I. Joe figure on one of my tomatoes.

The First Tomato

25 Jun 2022 1 120
I was so surprised to see my tomato plants are finally starting to put on fruit from all the blossoms. This must have been the first tomato, because it's the biggest; I also saw a couple others. I only planted them a month ago and tomorrow it will have been exactly a month. Taken on June 24th, 2022 with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR. This particular plant is one of the three Cherokee Purples I planted. The tomato looks big, but it's actually only about the size of a pea.

I Say Tomato, You Say.... Well, You Get The Idea

26 May 2022 87
I bought some tomato plants today and planted them in my yard. I just love fresh tomatoes. One plant was a "Better Boy" variety, a hybrid; while the other three were a "Cherokee Purple" - an heirloom variety. Taken on May 25th, 2022, with my Sony Alpha SLT-a77V DSLR.

Pepper No. 4

30 Oct 2021 147
Another pepper in my series. Camera: Minolta XG-SE Lens: Minolta MD Zoom 28-70mm, f/3.5, @ 70mm 1:5 macro Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 (expired 06/2015) Shooting Program: Manual Aperture: f/22 Shutter Speed: "B" (bulb) 5 seconds Date: October 8th, 2020, 10.22 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing Chemicals at 68 degrees Water pre-soak: 5 minutes Caffenol CM-RS: 11 minutes Water rinse: 1 minute Ilford Ilfostop stopbath: 1 minute Water rinse: 1 minute Ilford Hypam fixer: 5 minutes Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Minolta XG-SE Fuji Acros 100 Fountains 2020 36ff

Grilled Salmon With Hollandaise Sauce

24 Sep 2020 1 169
For dinner tonight, I cooked grilled salmon with hollandaise sauce, scalloped potatoes and breaded okra. I'd never tasted, or made, hollandaise sauce before, but it complimented the fish perfectly. The place setting is an antique and was hand-crocheted by my Grandmother Wright. I was cooking all day - for lunch I had a mushroom and cheese omelette, with fresh organic mushrooms, and in the afternoon I made some banana-nut bread. Yum yum! I'm sure glad I can cook!

Pepper No. 3

26 Oct 2018 16 19 535
This pepper looked photogenic lying there in the produce section, so I bought it and brought it home to memorialize in a picture. I also shot it on film. This was lit from above and shot at f/36 for 25 seconds, @100 ISO. I also used two white reflecting cards to cast light on the front and sides of the pepper.

Grilled Salmon

24 Feb 2018 12 17 555
Last Saturday, this is what I fixed for lunch - grilled salmon with sugar snap peas and some sunrise medley bite-sized potatoes. I marinated the salmon overnight then sprinkled it with dill weed and grilled it using my panini maker to give it those gorgeous kind of grill marks. The potatoes were cooked with butter and parsley, while the peas were sauteed using garlic and butter.

Turkey Vegetable Soup

28 Nov 2016 3 2 315
The week before Thanksgiving, I cooked a turkey and made a batch of turkey vegetable soup to can. This was the first batch of seven quarts out of the pressure cooker. I ended up getting 11 quarts of soup and 3 quarts of broth. (The pressure cooker holds 7 quarts at a time, so I filled up the second batch with broth to make 7 quarts.)

Second Tomato

05 Sep 2016 1 295
This is only my second tomato this year, and it's a dwarf one. For some reason, this year's growing conditions are all mixed up and I'm not getting any big tomatoes like usual. Taken just a few moments ago in my yard.

Garden Fresh

11 Aug 2014 2 3 264
I checked in my garden this afternoon and found a few different things ready to pick. Some more jalapeno peppers, some green beans and one ripe tomato. Unfortunately, the birds must have gotten my bean sprouts as they broke through the ground because out of three long rows I planted, I only had one plant reach maturity.