Roger (Grisly)'s photos with the keyword: Kilmartin

Carnasserie Castle

29 Aug 2024 36 57 203
The ruined Carnasserie Castle looks down across the landscape from it's high vantage point, also with commanding views over the southern approach to Loch Awe. This 16th-century tower house held an envious position! HFF and a good weekend,,,,,,,,, A large view if you are able!

Moist Morning

09 Jul 2023 47 95 245
No takers for the outside areas this morning, it turned out nice though ! The River Ford is in the valley and the higher ground is looking towards Kilmartin Glen. The roller and spade must be where the gardener stopped work for the day, ;-))) I would appreciate a large view, if possible,-----------HBM and a good week! A slightly energetic link from Credence Clearwater Revival,

Wet day at the Museum

06 Sep 2021 38 47 316
Kilmartin Museum on a moist September day' There are more than 800 ancient monuments within a six-mile radius of the village, with 150 of them being prehistoric.

To the Village, HFF

29 Jan 2020 60 80 432
Early morning view looking west along the glen to the village of Kilmartin. Better large I think. Looking to the west and the village people so the obvious link for the sight and sound group, although not many in the village dress like these, ;-)))

Evening Shadows

08 Jul 2017 38 58 824
The Village and Glen of Kilmartin descend into shadow as the Sun sinks below the distant Hills. Kilmartin Glen is said to be one of the richest areas in Europe for prehistoric remains in fact there are more than 350 ancient monuments within a six-mile radius of the village, with 150 of them being prehistoric.. Please view Large. The music link for Sight and Sound goes back to the days of Do Wop,

X Formation Standing Stones

03 May 2017 22 22 591
Nether Largie Standing Stones, Kilmartin consists of 5 large menhirs arranged to form a letter X, the centre stone is almost 3m high and is circled by smaller stones, all of the menhirs have obvious cup marks but it's the centre stone that is most is heavily decorated with carvings, cups and rings.. Built around 3,200 years ago and thought to be an early lunar observatory. Info

Standing Stones (Prehistoric Site)

25 Jul 2016 57 54 1513
Nether Largie Standing Stones, arranged in a letter X composed of four menhirs, arranged in pairs an approximately 70 metres apart, with a single menhir in the middle. Around which are seven smaller stones and one fallen one. Another menhir is one hundred metres to the northwest leading towards the circle. Alexander Thom toured this site with Magnus Magnusson in 1970 in a BBC television documentary called "Chronicle : Cracking the stone age code". He suggested that "gave so much information that it must be regarded as one of the most important, if not the most important sites in Britain". He clarified his hypothesis that it was a lunar observatory for predicting eclipses. (Wikipedia) More information Large Please.

Contented Cow

27 Jun 2016 76 82 1494
The village of Kilmartin, Kintyre, Scotland. Sony SLT A65V & Sigma 18-300 Lens. Z for larger view.


14 Jun 2016 55 63 1096
This mornings sunrise over the Kintyre Peninsula as it came from the camera. ( no facilities to sharpen it up) Sony SLT A65V and Sigma 18-300 Lens