GrahamH's photos with the keyword: drayton

Exiting DownsSteam's Siding

21 Jul 2024 3 105
Loco 106 is leaving for a test run to Wyreema. Steve, on the right, is holding the points to access the Queensland Rail track and Oliver, in the centre, is holding the last points in DownsSteam's yard. This work, , means we now need only one person on the ground for exit or entry. See PiP. January 2024.

C16 106 Being Stabled

17 Jul 2024 7 4 196
DownsSteam's reason for being, C16 106 being stabled at the end of its working day. The water is from the extinguishing water sprayed on the ash in the ashpan as the fire is dropped. Steam is coming from the cylinder drain cocks to warm the cylinders prior to moving into the shed. June 2024.

Grain on the Main 20240421 13 51 11 Pro

22 Apr 2024 8 6 245
Much horn blowing and waving from a Watco grain train going past DownsSteam's site on the Queensland Rail main line. Loco 106 responding with whistling as it moves from the shed to the platform for an afternoon crew training run. April 2024.

Home Coming 20240221 17 37 26 Pro

26 Mar 2024 4 4 186
Loco 106 has just restarted after the points have been set for DownsSteam's sidings. Watch the main line move away to to the right as 106 slowly enters it's home track. February 2024. Happy Train Tuesday.

Drayton P8284842

04 Sep 2023 7 4 201
The train went into the yard at Drayton. loco 106 uncoupled then ran around, using the main line as the loop track. The PiP shows preparing to exit the yard for the runaround. Back in the yard, prior to coupling onto the carriages for the second test run, the ashpan was emptied as seen in the main photo. The ashpan is a hopper arrangement below the grate which catches the ash and embers which fall through the grate. The new one made by the DownsSteam restoration people has an air operated release so there is no need to go under the loco for this task. The photo shows the glowing coal on the ground beneath the loco being cooled by water from a hose. This is done where there are steel sleepers so there is no damage to the track. 28/08/23

Wyreema SXs 1 P8284837

04 Sep 2023 4 2 152
Travelling back to DownsSteam's site in the Toowoomba suburb of Drayton. The loco crew have a breezy journey. Those travelling in the guard's compartment get an excellent listen to the loco sounds as it climbs back home. 28/08/23. Mouse over to see another view.

Wyreema SXs 1 P8284827

04 Sep 2023 3 127
The first test run with carriages has arrived at Wyreema. The weather has become cloudy and cooler. The loco is uncoupled and then runs round the carriages so it can take us back to Toowoomba to complete the first test run. See PiPs for extra views. 28/0823.

Wyreema SXs 1 P8284824

04 Sep 2023 2 103
Loco 106 and the 3 carriages are up to track speed after doing some brake effectiveness testing. We are going to the first crossing location, Wyreema station, where 106 will run around and take the train back to DownsSteam site. Mouse over to see more photos. 280823.

Return 1 P8184732

24 Aug 2023 13 28 252
Neil, a heritage steam loco driver and fireman, watching as 106 returns to DownsSteam's site completing the first of two runs to Wyreema. 18/08/23. Friday again, 25/08/23 HFF. A very happy fence Friday to all. This loco went through the fence, via the gate, for 3 successful trial runs. DownsSteam people were waiting up to 23 years for this event.

Return 1 P8184720

24 Aug 2023 4 184
106 approaching Karara Rd level crossing on its first return run to Toowoomba. 18/08/23.

At Wyreema 1 P8184715

24 Aug 2023 2 140
106 standing at Wyreema station shorly before leaving on the return run to DownsSteam's site in the Toowoomba suburb of Drayton. 18/08/23.

At Wyreema 1 P8184710

24 Aug 2023 4 2 195
Part of the crowd at Wyreema station shortly after arrival. Trainee fireman Oliver, in the green shirt, and I lit up 106. In the centre Andrew, the lead loco reconditioner and part of the crew is checking round 106. The two men at the right are Evan, a trainee fireman and Clyde, trainee railmotor driver. 18/08/23.