Gillian Everett's photos with the keyword: Link

A bridge from shadows to next challenge

06 Jun 2023 25 36 192
Sunday Challenge 49 post 11 June - Bridge SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE/AUSTRALIA A very fine collection of shadows. Now to a solid structure, or a shadowy metaphorical idea in SC49 - Bridge. A bridge usually crosses "a hard-to-manage gap, such as a river, a sea or a valley. In most cases, ways should be shortened, eased or simply made possible. The natural difficulties vary each time and need a different type or variant of bridge..." from 2018 In other contexts a bridge can be metaphorical. Whatever you are trying to achieve, whether in a project, or life in general, if you and/or everyone involved has a clear idea of the goal, a "bridge", or plan, that can be seen, will make it easier to reach that goal.