Gillian Everett's photos with the keyword: vegetables

Food photography

21 Apr 2024 16 19 144
Sunday challenge 92 - The Art of Food photography. Chicken Curry - my simple recipe. Stir fry chicken breast strips in olive oil. Add water as necessary. Cook until the chicken is sealed, approximately 15 minutes. Dice vegetables, and add curry powder to them: Apple, green capsicum, onion, garlic, ginger. ( I use seasonal vegetables, whatever happens to be in the fridge...) Add to the chicken stir fry. Cook until the chicken is tender. Add half tin of diced tomatoes. Optional - add greek yogurt. Simmer for a while. Background is from Madhur Jaffrey's A Taste of India, published 1985.


11 Feb 2023 18 12 120
292. - 11.02.2023 - Flatlay A still life which is placed on a flat plane and photographed from above...


17 Sep 2022 19 23 161
Saturday challenge - 275. - 17.09.2022 - Chiaroscuro. Chiaroscuro literally means “light/dark.” The term traditionally refers to Renaissance paintings where the subject is well-lit and three-dimensional, usually with exaggerated shadows and highlights, and a background that transitions into darker, heavily-shadowed areas.

food photography

08 Apr 2022 13 14 152
Capsicums, spring onions, avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes, ginger, carrots, mushrooms. Bonus with our cat Dora in PiP Sunday challenge - Something you can't live without - food...

Dora still life

08 Apr 2022 1 1 98
Dora is always keen to be involved in any still life photography.