Gillian Everett's photos with the keyword: Timberwolf

Scarlet Timberwolf Grey in October 2014

01 Nov 2014 2 326
One photo taken each day in October in the theme colour for 12 Months in Colour

Scarlet Bowls

01 Nov 2014 1 238
Verandah, early morning. 29/31 Scarlet/Grey October 12 Months in Colour

Fruits of Noosa

22 Oct 2014 1 492
Share happy, taste joy :-) 21/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey October 12 Months in Colour

Bright Scarlet

22 Oct 2014 220
18/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey October 12 Months in Colour


17 Oct 2014 237
14/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey October 12 Months in Colour

Australia Post

17 Oct 2014 2 441
In 2009 Australia Post celebrated 200 years as Australia's oldest, continually operating organisation. 73 of the owned buildings are classified as heritage properties and are included in the Commonwealth Heritage List. These buildings date from the Colonial era, through post-Federation to post-WWII structures. Tewantin, Queensland 11/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey 12 Months in Colour

Beach Huts on Scarlet/Grey

10 Oct 2014 2 6 317
Continuing the theme. Hand painted Glass Coaster from Eumundi Markets, artist unknown. On the background colour of the month. 10/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf October, 12 Months in Colour.

Scarlet Door

06 Oct 2014 2 292
On my morning walk with Angus in the Noosa Hinterland, Queensland. 6/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey 12 Months in Colour

Scarlet Canvas

06 Oct 2014 3 266
Out with the dogs for their frolic in the river. Chaplin Park, Noosa River, Queensland. 5/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf Grey 12 Months in Colour

Lady in Red

04 Oct 2014 2 4 390
Taken for 12 Months in Colour. Our Border Collie x. She was not impressed with the modelling session. See previous attempts in the note on this image. 4/31 Scarlet/Timberwolf October.

Scarlet Rose

03 Oct 2014 1 3 401
Haven't seen this variegated type before. Spotted in a local garden centre. Noosa, Queensland. 3/31 Scarlet and Timberwolf October, 12 Months in Colour

Scarlet Callistemon

02 Oct 2014 2 311
In our front hedge, Spring flower in Queensland. Bottlebrushes (botanically belonging to the genus Callistemon) are among the most popular and colourful Australian native plants both in Australia and overseas. The native birds really love them. European botanists and collectors of the late 18th century showed considerable interest in the plants of the remote southern continent of Australia. Callistemon citrinus was among the plants collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander in 1770 during the discovery of the east coast of Australia. By 1788, three species from the Sydney region, C.citrinus, C.linearis and C.salignus, were available to English horticulturists. 1/31 Scarlet and Timberwolf 12 Months in Colour