fotosolveig's photos with the keyword: panasonic

Cross spider

09 Aug 2013 3 2 248
A European garden spider / cross spider / diadem spider / cross orbweaver ( Araneus diadematus ) waiting for prey.

Emerald damselfly

09 Aug 2013 3 1 250
Lestes sponsa , a wonderful species to test the macro possibilities of the new compact camera on.

Yellow-winged darter

09 Aug 2013 231
I think this is a female yellow-winged darter ( Sympetrum flaveolum ).

Yellow-winged darter

08 Aug 2013 1 2 271
I recently bought a new compact camera, a Panasonic Lumix LX7, since I thought it would be handy to have a small camera for some purposes -- hiking etc. As I'm getting to know it better, I'm quite impressed by what the little thing can do, especially when it comes to close-up photography! Good opportunities for manual control, a marvellously wide aperture (f/1.4 at maximum) and a decent macro AF setting enables lots of fun. :-) I think this is a female yellow-winged darter ( Sympetrum flaveolum ).

Robber fly

08 Aug 2013 5 1 226
I recently bought a new compact camera, a Panasonic Lumix LX7, since I thought it would be handy to have a small camera for some purposes -- hiking etc. As I'm getting to know it better, I'm quite impressed by what the little thing can do, especially when it comes to close-up photography! Good opportunities for manual control, a marvellously wide aperture (f/1.4 at maximum) and a decent macro AF setting enables lots of fun. :-) Robber fly / assassin fly (Asilidae)