Fi Webster's photos with the keyword: Oscar Wilde

oscar wilde looks into the deep past

26 Mar 2013 1 1 404
Oddly enough, I was already thinking about an image of someone looking through a window in time into the dinosaur era, when Stephanie D. announced a challenge on swap-bot to make a collage incorporating these five things: a dinosaur, a trumpet, a queen, some plaid, and a circle. Since my favorite queen is the generous, brilliant, witty Oscar Wilde, I immediately saw how I could meet that challenge. Hence, I give you a cut-paper collage postcard with a mother tyrannosaur feeding her young, four trumpets held by two angels ('wonder why they need back-up trumpets), a queen whom I admire a great deal, a plaid ascot that he probably wouldn't like, and a black circle. Photo of Oscar is from the cover of Sheridan Morley's Oscar Wilde (no photo credit given, and yes, it is purple on the cover). Tyrannosaurs & hadrosaurs by paleo-artist Luis V. Rey. Angels are Dover spot illustrations.