Esther's photos with the keyword: truncatus

The Individualist

14 Dec 2013 7 6 555
Seapuarium - Curaçao AIMG 9480

X marks the spot

14 Dec 2013 5 6 629
Seaquarium - Curaçao AIMG 9500

Balancing Act

12 Dec 2013 5 3 758
Seaquarium - Curaçao AIMG 9492

Don't lean back

09 Dec 2013 5 4 682
No, he's not being followed by a shark. He is "dolphin surfing" at the Curaçao Dolphin Academy. Curaçao Seaquarium AIMG 9446

Jumping high

04 Dec 2013 6 8 483
Curaçao AIMG 9425

Hi Mom

29 Nov 2013 4 5 739
The Dolphin Academy at the Curaçao Sea Aquarium AIMG 9380

Best Job Ever

29 Nov 2013 7 6 578
The Dolphin Academy at the Curaçao Sea Aquarium AIMG 9382

Soaring high

13 Nov 2013 6 8 566
Seaquarium, Curaçao AIMG 9130

Dolphin Surfing

27 Sep 2013 2 4 432
Dolphin Surfing - Curacao Seaqarium AIMG 8924

Rocket Ride

27 Sep 2013 6 7 432
Called a Rocket Ride, in this maneuver, the trainer is pushed up into the air by two dolphins at the Curacao Seaquarium AIMG 8923

Leaping high

27 Sep 2013 7 6 395
Curacao Seaqarium AIMG 8929


28 Sep 2010 380
Explore - October 20, 2010 #201 Although I normally cringe seeing animals as intelligent as dolphins in captivity. I had to admit that the dolphins at the Curacao Seaquarium did not seem to be miserable. They seemed to enjoy interacting with their trainers, even when they did not receive fishy treats and they swam in a large, natural setting. A number of them, including mothers with babies, would leave the Seaquarium with their trainers to swim in the open ocean with divers and then willingly return to the Seaquarium. ODT: Upside down AIMG_0496

Up and Away!

02 Oct 2010 187
Getting a boost from one of the dolphins at the Curacao Seaquarium ODT: Begins with J (Jump) AIMG_0584