Esther's photos with the keyword: humor

Stand closer. It may be shorter than you think.

03 Jan 2025 6 6 45
Seen at a truck stop in El Salvador. Interestingly, the English translation of the original Spanish is not quite accurate. A better translation would be "Urinate in the center of the toilet." Perhaps the translator had a sense of humor. Or perhaps the translator truly believed that English speaking male truckers on the Pan American Highway had an exaggerated opinion of their anatomy. A20241204 103742

Alcohol Free Area

19 Dec 2019 2 5 174
A rarity in Ireland AIMG 1442

A Pragmatist's Valentine's Day Card

12 Feb 2017 17 25 388
Sunday Challenge: Create a Valentine's Day card PicMonkey Collage Valentine

How not to use the toilet

16 Nov 2014 23 39 806
Western style toilets were slowly appearing in Thailand and replacing or supplementing squat toilets. Bathroom signs such as these attempted to instruct users not to use western toilets as squat toilets. From the archives for The Sunday Challenge: Bathroom AThailand3 257

You might accidently get killed

14 Jul 2013 3 6 452
The Australian duo, The Scared Weird Little Guys, did a marvelous song about some of the natural but deadly wonders of Australia. The song can be heard at . The beaches at Cape Tribulation, Daintree Rainforest, Queensland, Australia were quite empty . . . . of humans. AIMG 7403

Drive carefully

03 Jul 2013 3 3 426
A sign in the Daintree Rainforest in Australia cautions motorist to watch out for cassowaries. AIMG 7363

Electric Ants

29 Jun 2013 1 7 329
I wondered, upon reading this sign in Port Douglas, Australia, as to whether the ants needed passports to pass through. AIMG 7121

Not your typical public transportation notice

09 Aug 2012 234
A sign at the dock in Murano, Italy AIMG_4686

Driving 101

07 May 2012 210
Sign on a pier in Katakolon Greece. If you drive off the pier, you will land in the water. I wonder how many drivers found this out the hard way before the sign was erected. IMG_3991

Hooker entrance

24 Jun 2012 200
Sign outside the Massachusetts State House. I've always found this sign to be amusing. Not many state houses have special entrances for hookers (slang for prostitutes). It actually refers to the statute of General Joseph Hooker, a Union army officer during the Civil War, which is nearby. AIMG_1487

Do not enter animals

18 Jan 2011 1 227
Good advice. This is a sign at the entrance of the Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal that could have benefited from the word, "with" before the word "animals." The Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal was contructed in the 14th Century. It became one of the most important centers of Tibetan Buddhism after thousands of Tibetans fled their country following the 1959 Chinese invasion. ODT: Quoted AIMG_0519

Chease Peeza - Time 2 Eat!

24 Aug 2010 4 253
A wonderful sign that I saw written in fractured English in Agra, India. Dining options include Peeza, Finger Chips and Kone Falex, whatever that is. Food served at 12:00 AM Noon. Hmmmm. Vegitable Katlet anyone? AIMG_6235