Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: P Street - NW - WDC - 2011

02.GraffitiTag.Wall.SteadPark.16P.NW.WDC .7January…

09 Jan 2011 576
Graffiti Tagging . East Wall of Stead Park . Off P near 16th Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Writings On The Walls 2011 Street Art, Graffiti, Tagging, Street Posters

01.GraffitiTag.Wall.SteadPark.16P.NW.WDC .7January…

09 Jan 2011 746
Graffiti Tagging . East Wall of Stead Park . Off P near 16th Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Writings On The Walls 2011 Street Art, Graffiti, Tagging, Street Posters

03.GraffitiTag.Wall.SteadPark.16P.NW.WDC .7January…

09 Jan 2011 557
Graffiti Tagging . East Wall of Stead Park . Off P near 16th Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Writings On The Walls 2011 Street Art, Graffiti, Tagging, Street Posters

04.Lululemon.LoganCircle.1461P.NW.WDC.7J anuary201…

09 Jan 2011 722
Lululemon Athletica / Logan Circle . 1461 P Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 . Elvert Barnes Photography "Do Ask, Do Tell" Window Display Visit Lululemon Athletica at http://www.lululemon.com Windows / Logan Circle Neighborhood / P Street, NW, WDC Series

03.Lululemon.LoganCircle.1461P.NW.WDC.7J anuary201…

09 Jan 2011 758
Lululemon Athletica / Logan Circle . 1461 P Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 . Elvert Barnes Photography "Do Ask, Do Tell" Window Display Visit Lululemon Athletica at http://www.lululemon.com Windows / Logan Circle Neighborhood / P Street, NW, WDC Series

02.Lululemon.LoganCircle.1461P.NW.WDC.7J anuary201…

09 Jan 2011 1 777
Lululemon Athletica / Logan Circle . 1461 P Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 . Elvert Barnes Photography "Do Ask, Do Tell" Window Display Visit Lululemon Athletica at http://www.lululemon.com Windows / Logan Circle Neighborhood / P Street, NW, WDC Series

01.Lululemon.LoganCircle.1461P.NW.WDC.7J anuary201…

09 Jan 2011 1762
Lululemon Athletica / Logan Circle . 1461 P Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 . Elvert Barnes Photography "Do Ask, Do Tell" Window Display Visit Lululemon Athletica at http://www.lululemon.com Windows / Logan Circle Neighborhood / P Street, NW, WDC Series


09 Jan 2011 1 959
Signage, Billboard Displays & Ad Campaigns 2011 . WMATA Bus Stop . 14th near P Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Diet Coke "Stay Extraordinary" Ad Campaign Be An Over-Overachiever http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/presscenter/nr_20100304_diet_coke_stay_extraordinary.html Visit Elvert Barnes Mass Transit Exploration at http://elvertbarnes.com/MassTransitExploration

02.WMATA.BusStop.1400P.NW.WDC.7January20 10

09 Jan 2011 1 1411
Signage, Billboard Displays & Ad Campaigns 2011 . WMATA Bus Stop . P Street near 14th Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Diet Coke "Stay Extraordinary" Ad Campaign Who Has Time To Stand In Line for A Latte? http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/presscenter/nr_20100304_diet_coke_stay_extraordinary.html Visit Elvert Barnes Mass Transit Exploration at http://elvertbarnes.com/MassTransitExploration

01.WMATA.BusStop.1400P.NW.WDC.7January20 10

09 Jan 2011 1166
Signage, Billboard Displays & Ad Campaigns 2011 . WMATA Bus Stop . P Street near 14th Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Diet Coke "Stay Extraordinary" Ad Campaign Who Has Time To Stand In Line for A Latte? http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/presscenter/nr_20100304_diet_coke_stay_extraordinary.html Visit Elvert Barnes Mass Transit Exploration at http://elvertbarnes.com/MassTransitExploration


09 Jan 2011 688
Signage, Billboard Displays & Ad Campaigns 2011 . WMATA Bus Stop . 14th near P Street, NW, Washington DC . Friday morning, 7 January 2011 Absolut Vodka "Ads of the World" Ad Campaign Absolute Bloody Cocktails Perfected a Vision from Kate Beckinsale & Ellen Von Unwerth Facebook.com/Absolut http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/absolut_vodka_bloody_base Visit Elvert Barnes Mass Transit Exploration at http://elvertbarnes.com/MassTransitExploration