Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: May 1994

MetroWeekly.Premiere.Vol1.Issue1.5May199 4

01 Mar 2011 355
MW Magazine Metro Arts & Entertainment Weekly Premiere Issue Volume 1, Issue 1 5 - 11 May 1994 Visit Metro Weekly / Gay DC Magazine at http://metroweekly.com Visit Elvert Barnes Newspaper Collections at https://docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_804c2v9dn59


04 Jan 2011 1 517
"Spoken With My Tongue" Project . Lisa . Triangle Club . P near 21st Street, NW, Washington DC . 9 May 1994 "When You've Spoken With My Tongue" Project by Elvert Barnes 2011 Scanned & Resized Images Project Original photo at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/13337564