Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: Baltimore, Maryland

Tracks.GodsMessage.House.MLKD.January201 6

21 Jan 2016 994
Artwork for GOD'S MESSAGE Underground House Mix In Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend Gay Circuit Series EXB Mix 2016.2 Released 15 January 2015 3:44:59 length YOUR LISTEN at yourlisten.com/MIXOLOGY/gods-message-underground-house-ml... Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1A2yiaCi1hNft9m-j0StDPkvaa_bbS... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: Assembly before 40th Baltimore Gay Pride Parade March on Cathedral between West Monument and West Centre Street in Baltimore MD on Saturday afternoon, 25 July 2015 by Elvert Barnes Photography GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS YOU ARE Banner Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore www.facebook.com/mcc.baltimore 40th BALTIMORE GAY PRIDE 2015 elvertbarnes.com/40BaltimorePride2015


21 Jan 2016 981
Artwork for GOD'S MESSAGE Underground House Mix In Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend Gay Circuit Series EXB Mix 2016.2 Released 15 January 2015 3:44:59 length YOUR LISTEN at yourlisten.com/MIXOLOGY/gods-message-underground-house-ml... Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1A2yiaCi1hNft9m-j0StDPkvaa_bbS... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: Assembly before 40th Baltimore Gay Pride Parade March on Cathedral between West Monument and West Centre Street in Baltimore MD on Saturday afternoon, 25 July 2015 by Elvert Barnes Photography GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS YOU ARE Banner Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore www.facebook.com/mcc.baltimore 40th BALTIMORE GAY PRIDE 2015 elvertbarnes.com/40BaltimorePride2015

CDInside.AllThisTime.House.NYD.January20 11

31 Dec 2010 615
CD Label . "All This Time" House / Gay Circuit Mix New Year's Day 2011 Tribute to Frank G. EXB Mix #2011.1 1 January 2011 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/all-this-time-house-gay-circuit-nyd-2011-mix-9005376 Tracklist at docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_788gfqv72gb Elvert Barnes Mixology elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: A "Time Expired" Parking Meter Baltimore, Maryland Saturday, 9 May 1992 Elvert Barnes Photography Orginal photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/14370003/


31 Dec 2010 462
A "Time Expired" Parking Meter Baltimore, Maryland Saturday, 9 May 1992 Scanned & Resized Images Elvert Barnes Photography http://elvertbarnes.com Orginal photo at http://www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/14370003


30 Dec 2010 477
"All This Time" In connection with the ongoing THE CRIMINALIZATION OF BLACK MALES docu-project by Elvert Barnes Visit The Story of My Life by Elvert Barnes at http://elvertbarnes.com/storyofmylife

CDLabel.AllThisTime.House.NYD.January201 1

30 Dec 2010 600
CD Label . "All This Time" House / Gay Circuit Mix New Year's Day 2011 Tribute to Frank G. EXB Mix #2011.1 1 January 2011 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/all-this-time-house-gay-circuit-nyd-2011-mix-9005376 Tracklist at docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_788gfqv72gb Elvert Barnes Mixology elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: A "Time Expired" Parking Meter Baltimore, Maryland Saturday, 9 May 1992 Elvert Barnes Photography Orginal photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/14370003/

CDCover.AllThisTime.House.NYD.January201 1

30 Dec 2010 563
CD Cover . "All This Time" House / Gay Circuit Mix New Year's Day 2011 Tribute to Frank G. EXB Mix #2011.1 1 January 2011 MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/all-this-time-house-gay-circuit-nyd-2011-mix-9005376 Tracklist at docs.google.com/View?id=dg6n6kv6_788gfqv72gb Elvert Barnes Mixology elvertbarnes.com/Mixology Photo Details: A "Time Expired" Parking Meter Baltimore, Maryland Saturday, 9 May 1992 Elvert Barnes Photography Orginal photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/14370003/