Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair

42.FreeSummerSaturday.Corcoran.WDC.19Jun e2010

22 Jun 2010 293
Free Summer Saturday . Corcoran Gallery of Art . 500 17th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 19 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography "The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair" by Daniel Chester French Visit Corcoran Gallery of Art Free Summer Saturdays at http://www.corcoran.org/freesummersaturdays/index.php

43.FreeSummerSaturday.Corcoran.WDC.19Jun e2010

22 Jun 2010 428
Free Summer Saturday . Corcoran Gallery of Art . 500 17th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 19 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography "The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair" by Daniel Chester French Visit Corcoran Gallery of Art Free Summer Saturdays at http://www.corcoran.org/freesummersaturdays/index.php

44.FreeSummerSaturday.Corcoran.WDC.19Jun e2010

22 Jun 2010 323
Free Summer Saturday . Corcoran Gallery of Art . 500 17th Street, NW, Washington DC . Saturday afternoon, 19 June 2010 . Elvert Xavier Barnes Photography "The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair" by Daniel Chester French Visit Corcoran Gallery of Art Free Summer Saturdays at http://www.corcoran.org/freesummersaturdays/index.php