Elvert Barnes' photos with the keyword: Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY 2016

Tracks.LoveInTheShadows.House.MAL.Januar y2016

21 Jan 2016 1338
Artwork for LOVE IN THE SHADOWS House / Remixed / Gay Circuit Mix In Celebration of 32nd Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend EXB 2016.1 Released 14 January 2015 2:21:19 length MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10240864 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1SuLswWtNBrMd1xnvEwb7a29ZfzcSD... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: 21st Gay Pride Day Celebration FREEDOM DUNGEON DANCE in NW Washington DC on Saturday night, 8 June 1996 by Elvert Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes WASHINGTON DC GAY PRIDE ongoing project at elvertbarnes.com/DCGayPride Original photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/23909754789

Cover.LoveInTheShadows.House.MAL.January 2016

21 Jan 2016 1401
Artwork for LOVE IN THE SHADOWS House / Remixed / Gay Circuit Mix In Celebration of 32nd Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend EXB 2016.1 Released 14 January 2015 2:21:19 length MIXCRATE at www.mixcrate.com/elvertbarnes/10240864 Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1SuLswWtNBrMd1xnvEwb7a29ZfzcSD... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: 21st Gay Pride Day Celebration FREEDOM DUNGEON DANCE in NW Washington DC on Saturday night, 8 June 1996 by Elvert Barnes Photography Visit Elvert Barnes WASHINGTON DC GAY PRIDE ongoing project at elvertbarnes.com/DCGayPride Original photo at www.flickr.com/photos/perspective/23909754789

Tracks.GodsMessage.House.MLKD.January201 6

21 Jan 2016 993
Artwork for GOD'S MESSAGE Underground House Mix In Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend Gay Circuit Series EXB Mix 2016.2 Released 15 January 2015 3:44:59 length YOUR LISTEN at yourlisten.com/MIXOLOGY/gods-message-underground-house-ml... Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1A2yiaCi1hNft9m-j0StDPkvaa_bbS... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: Assembly before 40th Baltimore Gay Pride Parade March on Cathedral between West Monument and West Centre Street in Baltimore MD on Saturday afternoon, 25 July 2015 by Elvert Barnes Photography GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS YOU ARE Banner Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore www.facebook.com/mcc.baltimore 40th BALTIMORE GAY PRIDE 2015 elvertbarnes.com/40BaltimorePride2015


21 Jan 2016 981
Artwork for GOD'S MESSAGE Underground House Mix In Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend Gay Circuit Series EXB Mix 2016.2 Released 15 January 2015 3:44:59 length YOUR LISTEN at yourlisten.com/MIXOLOGY/gods-message-underground-house-ml... Track list at docs.google.com/document/d/1A2yiaCi1hNft9m-j0StDPkvaa_bbS... Elvert Barnes MIXOLOGY elvertbarnes.com/Mixology ________________________ Photo Details: Assembly before 40th Baltimore Gay Pride Parade March on Cathedral between West Monument and West Centre Street in Baltimore MD on Saturday afternoon, 25 July 2015 by Elvert Barnes Photography GOD LOVES YOU JUST AS YOU ARE Banner Metropolitan Community Church of Baltimore www.facebook.com/mcc.baltimore 40th BALTIMORE GAY PRIDE 2015 elvertbarnes.com/40BaltimorePride2015