Earthwatcher's photos with the keyword: jetty

Old Jetty

16 Feb 2011 185
The old jetty at Landguard Point, near Felixstowe, Suffolk.

Ancient timber and old iron

16 Feb 2011 217
Part of the old jetty at Landguard Point, near Felixstowe, Suffolk.

Cranes of Felixstowe

17 Feb 2011 215
More cranes of the Port of Felixstowe container freight terminal, viewed from beneath a jetty near the old Landguard fort.

Port of Felixstowe - land, sea, sky and cranes

17 Feb 2011 255
Port of Felixstowe container freight terminal, and the combined estuaries of the Rivers Stour and Orwell, which make up Harwich Harbour. Taken from a jetty near the old Landguard fort.

More cranes of Felixstowe

17 Feb 2011 255
Another view of these very photogenic cranes at the Port of Felixstowe container freight terminal. I think they look like dinosaurs or camels.