Badly's photos with the keyword: Camberwell

Backlit banana leaf and T Rex

Driftwood grove

Bamboo tunnel


02 Sep 2018 119
Backlit banana leaf

Jungle path

Shoo Fly

02 Sep 2018 96
Nicandra physaloides

A shady spot

We are in London

T Rex

02 Sep 2018 147
Tetrapanax papyrifera Rex

St Giles Camberwell

26 Jun 2011 106
Originally posted to GWL .

green acer, blue sky

26 Jun 2011 164
green acer, blue sky

hosta, bust, fern

26 Jun 2011 183
hosta, bust, fern

the back of 81 and 83 Camberwell Grove

26 Jun 2011 166
Open for the National Gardens Scheme on Sunday 26th June 2011.


20 items in total