Badly's photos with the keyword: silver birch

Big brackets

lovely curves

07 Dec 2011 148
lovely curves


07 Dec 2011 168
Habitable, but uninhabited.

Little caravan in the woods

07 Dec 2011 131
Little caravan in the woods

silver birch

19 Oct 2011 141
silver birch


02 Jan 2008 138
Blackheath Common , sunset.

Tree house

02 Jan 2008 136
Blackheath Common . A cosy shelter of branches and bracken.

Edge of the Common

02 Jan 2008 120
Blackheath Common .

Pines, puddle

02 Jan 2008 143
Blackheath Common .


02 Jan 2008 139
Blackheath Common . They are felling some of the trees and returning part of the Common to heathland.


02 Jan 2008 109
Blackheath Common .

Unkind cut

02 Jan 2008 135
Blackheath Common . Amusing treestump arrangement.

Big bark

02 Jan 2008 178
Blackheath Common .


02 Jan 2008 134
Blackheath Common , sunset.