Richard And Jo Demeester's photos with the keyword: El Valle de Anton

Hard working ant

03 Feb 2009 178
An ant makes light work of a heavy load.

Rana Dorada

03 Feb 2009 199
Very rare golden frog. This was captive in an aquarium. Unfortunately, we are yet to encounter one in the wild.

Piedra Pintada

03 Feb 2009 200
Pre-Columbian rock carving from an unknown culture.

A cool break

03 Feb 2009 165
Near Piedra Pintada, two girls take a dip in the cool waters at the base of an unnamed waterfall.

Magnificent blue dragonfly

Unidentified, but very cute, bird

Jo soaking up the good minerals

03 Feb 2009 151
Pozos Termales, the thermal springs. Rustic, and a pleasant soak.