Coldwaterjohn's photos with the keyword: Roe Buck

Roe Buck in early morning June sunshine...

10 Jun 2013 1 2 301
Up at 05:28 hrs in our pond garden, to catch this young fellow having his breakfast in the early morning sunshine. Caught using my Canon f/2.8 70-200mm with the Canon 2X III extender. All of these images were using it at max 400mm from about thirty yards away.

Roe Buck in the field left fallow

09 Jun 2013 1 2 123
Just after midday today - same guy who was jumping around as if he'd eaten magic mushrooms yesterday. He has obviously taken over the field as his territory!

The frolicking Roe Buck having spotted me

Roe Buck in the long grass

Roe Buck standing on his back legs

08 Jun 2013 2 167
The most extraordinary performance this evening by a Buck in the field not thirty yards from my bench seat on the hillock. At first I thought he was trying to kill a snake, or was trying to tamp down a sleeping area in the long grass, but then I wondered if he had been stung by a wasp or something. He was jumping up into the air, sprung on all four legs as if he had been given an electric shock, and then bucking up and down. Unfortunately I only had my short range lens on the camera so I didn't get any good shots, but this is one which will give you an idea. He seemed completely oblivious to my presence until I stood up to go and get a telephoto lens!