Coldwaterjohn's photos with the keyword: Old

Christmas Greetings - Rafford Snows

18 Dec 2023 35
Christmas at The Old Steading

Fine Touch by Redfield

07 Dec 2020 45
Christmas at The Old Steading

Trinity College Dublin - the Old Library

Trinity College Dublin - the Old Library

Trinity College Dublin - the Old Library

Trinity College Dublin - the Old Library

Trinity College Dublin - the Old Library

Trinity College Dublin - the Old Library

November Snows

23 Nov 2017 2 1 122
When photographing snow, DSLRs if set to Auto will almost certainly underexpose for snow images. By trial and error, and depending on the contrast in the image, it is worth overexposing by 1 to 2 full stops, to show the detail in the snow.

25 items in total