Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)'s photos with the keyword: Holiday

Old Fashioned Christmas

25 Dec 2022 46 40 320
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!

Wishing all of my Friends a Very Merry Christmas!

Holiday Poinsettias

04 Jan 2019 53 41 861
Wishing you all the best in 2019! Happy, Healthy, Joyful New Year! Thank you for your friendship and support! (Sorry I haven't been on much. Have been starting up an instagram account @cher12861 and had some life issues. Hopefully on more soon!)

Christmas Greens

25 Dec 2018 48 35 944
Merry Christmas to my Ipernity Friends!

Ringing in 2017

31 Dec 2016 38 47 1134
Wishing all of my Ipernity Friends a Very Happy New Year filled with much peace, love, joy and happiness!

Merry Christmas to all of my Ipernity Friends!

25 Dec 2016 35 41 1028
Hope your holidays are special and full of peace and love!

Happy Christmas Eve!

24 Dec 2016 28 23 702
Hope Santa brings you all your heart desires. Personally hoping for more peace and love in the world.

Happy New Year to all of my Ipernity Friends!

Easter Lily

05 Apr 2015 24 28 1283
Happy Easter! Hope you all have a blessed day.