Carol Harper's articles with the keyword: wrap-up

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Seven

    - 26 Nov 2014
    #140 - Threaded Cable Chain stitch
    Since this was an International Hermit and Stitch Weekend, I did a lot of stitching (and a completion) that I reported about Sunday. Since Sunday, however, I did accomplish a few more things... Take a Stitch Tuesday 2014, Stitch 140, is the last for the year while Sharon B takes a well-deserved holiday hiatus. It wasn't a difficult stitch to do (although my cable chain doesn't look quite right) and so the Threaded Cable Chain is now on my latest "Page" of stitch samples: Here is…

  • International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (IHSW), November 21 - 23

    - 24 Nov 2014
    John Clayton "Golfer-FAirway"
    I have lots of things I could have stitched on this weekend, most pressing of which were "Save the Stitches (I'm WAY behind in outlining and have over 10 blocks to fill in) and RYO "Bride" (Stuck on color four). And the Bead Journal piece for November is kitted but not started. But... the John Clayton "Golfer - Fairway" was ALMOST done and calling my name --- only his trousers and the backstitching were left as of Thursday night, so... Now he's done (except for the framing) and I can m…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Six

    - 19 Nov 2014
    Six Ears
    You can tell it's winter here when the two girls (the two black ones at the back) let the boy (the brown one in the front) into the pile! And when the goldfinches are no longer gold: But still, this is early for snow here, and so while this looks pretty the roads are icy, the wind is gusting, and wind chills are really really nasty! Oh, and it's snowing again today! Good stitching weather though! I tend to retreat to my room and stitch with the television on…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Five

    - 12 Nov 2014
    I did stitch this week. Not a varied routine but I stitched and frogged and stitched and frogged on the John Clayton "Golfer - Fairway" and got all but a few stitches of the greens in page one and got started on the second green on page two. The golfer is even more apparent now: The greens aren't the grass greens shown on the chart's cover photo --- more olive and lime green. But the background is beginning to take shape!BJP Owl is kitted, but I didn't work on either of those *or* on "Save…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Four

    - 06 Nov 2014
    This was the week of the nasty sinus headache/head cold. And yesterday, my first not-OTC-drugs day, I overdid it: went to husband's high school class monthly breakfast, sat in his doctor's waiting room while he had a check-up with his GP, and got a haircut. The rest of the day was wasted --- I felt almost as bad as I did a week ago. So I'm back on OTC for the nighttime and hoping to recoup those losses by the weekend. Very hard to focus when your whole face hurts. Still, I did attempt (with s…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Three

    - 29 Oct 2014
    November 2014
    I did get some work done at guild retreat, although I forgot to take my handwork with me and ran out of things to do by dinner on the first full day! Didn't help that I was so very sleepy the entire time adn had very little focus... Anyway, here are the pieces I did work on... November block for Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2014: Blocks January - September for the 2014 Crazy Quilt Journal Project assembled (blocks for October and November are awaiting December for final assembly):…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-Two

    - 22 Oct 2014
    October 2014 - "Bat Bird"
    Despite all the interference with stitching for the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend, I did manage to get motivated and get some pieces finished this week: October Bead Journal Project - "Bat Bird": Take a Stitch Tuesday #124 - Beaded Fern Stitch (shown here along with the two rows I did for #134, Fern Stitch): I also made a start on the sporting themed piece I want to enter in next year's fair, a John Clayton golf chart. Lots of colors, lots of vertical…

  • International Hermit and Stitch Weekend - October 17 - 19

    - 20 Oct 2014
    Challenge Block for retreat
    As I expected, to very early mornings on Thursday and Friday, working the phone banks for fundraising at the local public radio station, and a football game Saturday afternoon, pretty much wiped out my weekend stitching. Basically, all the time for stitching was Sunday when I: finished binding the challenge block for the quilt guild retreat this coming weekend: and got three-quarters of the way through the background on my October Bead Journal Project:

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty-One

    - 15 Oct 2014
    4.5" Swap blocks
    In the past week, I have completed five 4.5" square crazy blocks for swapping at the guild retreat (Technique taught by Mary Lee G at guild on the 9th of October. I have yet to master working with small pieces so my scraps are a little on the large side.): the October Crazy Quilt Journal block (I do much better using a foundation and a larger blocks size; these are 6" square finished): and the Take a Stitch Tuesday Stitch # 134 (Fern stitch). I played a little with adding beads t…

  • WIPocalypse - October 8

    - 08 Oct 2014
    In addition to my weekly wrap-up, this is also report-in day for WIPocalypse! Wipocalypse question of the month: "Am I a Halloween or Christmas stitcher?" Well, I'm not either, really. For a while, I stitched a lot of Halloween things, mainly ornaments. I have several dozen Christmas ornaments that decorate two artificial tress each season. I need more --- one of the trees is a little sparse and I calculate I need about 4 dozen more --- 12 of which are "underway", but these twelve are my…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty-nine

    - 02 Oct 2014
    It's been a very non-productive week. Since last week, I have stitched more on the outline for "Bride": and the latest Take a Stitch Tuesday stitch (#132 - Kiko's Flower): But otherwise, what with a make-and-take card party last Wednesday night and out-of-country company since Friday, I've been too busy and too darned sleepy to focus on stitchery. I'm hoping that things will get better this week, although there are several things that will interfere: husband's monthly hig…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty-eight

    - 24 Sep 2014
    Well, I had hoped for more progress after the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend got me back on track with the RYO mandalas. And I would have done a lot better if that darned frog wasn't still in the house. Oh well, almost halfway through the outline for "Bride": And I did get in the newest Take A Stitch Tuesday assignment: #131, Beaded Lock Stitch. I rather like the look of this one and tried it two ways, with the beads stacked on the right and staggered on the left: The expe…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty-six

    - 10 Sep 2014
    ## 129 and 130 - Lock and Double Lock stitches
    Not a lot accomplished since I reported in on WIPocalypse on Monday... Just the two Tale a Stitch Tuesday stitches ## 129 and 130: Lock stitch (on teh right) and Double Lock stitch (on the left). That makes another page for my "Stitch Journal" (stitches are # 118 - Beaded Buttonhole Stitch, #119 - Woven Trellis Stitch, #120 - Double Herringbone , #121 - Twisted Lattice Stitch, #122 - Chained Bar, #123 - Woven Chained Bar, #124 - Closed Herringbone, #125 - Beaded Herringbone, #126 - A…

  • WIPocalypse - September 8, 2014

    - 08 Sep 2014
    September 2014
    The question for the month is: "Who is your favourite person to stitch for, or do you prefer to keep your stitching yourself?" I rarely stitch for others, exceptions being close family (husband, a few in-laws, etc.) and the occasional friend and neighbor. I tend to keep my stitching for myself, mainly because I usually have no clue as to what is appreciated by others (style, colors, decor, even if they appreciate hand work at all) and I KNOW my own taste. Not that I have purposes in mind for…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty-five

    - 03 Sep 2014
    #128 - Interlaced Up-and-Down Buttonhole stitch
    I didn't stay connected at all this past week. I spent the weekend working on challenge #10 for the Compendium of Curiosities #3 Challenge. I even read a book (!!!): the latest Deborah Crombie Inspector Kincaid novel (and it was wonderful!) and started another - a Victorian era historical mystery Called "The Yard". I think my stitching mojo is suffering from county fair aftershock. Nothing appeals to me in my project bag, I don't want to start something new and... so I didn't stitch a thing…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty-four

    - 27 Aug 2014
    Stitched on and completed this past week were: The "Dossier" block required of all quilt guild members (it's a log cabin with the "chimney" center signed and dated for when I joined the guild; as you can see, I'm four years late in getting it ready!): This is the second block I made, since I misread instructions and the first one was too large by far (it came out 7.5"!). I'm going to use it for my "practice fabric" for the "Seed Bead Botany" class... Both aren't square either -…

  • WIPocalypse - Month Ending August 10, 2014, Another Super Moon

    - 10 Aug 2014
    This month's theme questions is "Tell us about your oldest and newest WIPs." Well, for starters, is it a WIP if it is over 20 years old and hasn't been touched since? Personally, I consider this a UFO, but here is a picture of what I think my be my oldest UFO --- a crewel pillow top from sometime around (it has a copy right date of 1980 so it had to have been started after that, but I'm pretty sure it became a UFO before 1988 when we moved to Texas!). Here is the "progress" so far: while…

  • 2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty

    - 30 Jul 2014
    July - December blocks
    Got sidetracked a lot this week. First, Saturday was taken up with taking my four stitched pieces to the fair reception and checking them in for the judging, supposed to take place Saturday and Sunday afternoons. So, on opening day (Monday), naturally, I went to see how I did. Would you believe - the building was closed to the public for JUDGING! I was/am furious - that visit cost me my free ticket of entry! Haven't been back since... Quilt Day is Thursday and I volunteered to help set up (an…

225 articles in total