C.Rayz's photos with the keyword: Spider

Tiny Jumper

01 Aug 2013 137
Not sure about this tiny guy, was found running across a path where the Spiny Digger Wasps had nests, you can see he must be all of 5mm head to bum.

To Be A Spider or Not To Be

29 Jul 2013 164
I'm not sure about this, right amount of legs and all. Very! tiny and in both the photos I got no wasted portion but could have just been a bad angle. Running across the path in a sandy footpath at Brede.

Spotted Wolf Spider w/ Spiderlings

Cheiracanthium erraticum Female

Crab Spider

13 Jul 2013 1 152
Being very crab-like indeed

Crab Spider

04 Jul 2013 1 179
With lovely red stripe, not seen this color before.

Another Attractive Spider

04 Jul 2013 1 1 187
That needs a name, swept from the grass and veg.

Running Crab Spider

02 Jul 2013 1 171
Went over to Filsham a bit back and decided to do a bit of sweeping with the net, some of the most interesting things we found were spiders and beetles.


29 Jun 2013 188
The group of folks that showed up for the British Arachnological Society Field Meeting at Rye Harbour, its all very techy stuff but was great fun to hang out with them, even if I didn't understand half of what they said...lol We had seriously high winds but we still managed to find a few species that are in need of monitoring and protecting, so all in all a very good day.

Jumper Sitticus inexpectus Female

29 Jun 2013 1 213
BAS Field Meeting at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, where we were in search of some of the more rare spiders recorded. Finally one of the rarities, this lovely jumper was nice enough to let us take photos.

Wolf Spider with Eggs

29 Jun 2013 2 164
BAS Field Meeting at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, where we were in search of some of the more rare spiders recorded. Again not one of the rarities, but one of the only things that sat still in the gale force winds for me..lol

Unknown Spider

29 Jun 2013 193
BAS Field Meeting at Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, where we were in search of some of the more rare spiders recorded. This is not one of them...lol But there were loads of these under shingle, this is the only one that let me photograph her, sorry for the quality this is for ID mostly if poss.

Euophrys frontalis

17 Jun 2013 1 2 290
This little lady was on my bag, that seam is maybe just shy of a 1cm, so she is tiny but what a lovely pattern. Could really use an ID if anyone has seen one like it I've had a good dig around in what resources I've got which are just a few sites online really, and she was in a dry (most years) area of rough ground, Rabbit managed and slightly elevated. Update: I think I've found her, she looks very much like a Euophrys frontalis Female, we'll see what my spidery friend thinks..lol

Euophrys frontalis

17 Jun 2013 1 281
This little lady was on my bag, that seam is maybe just shy of a 1cm, so she is tiny but what a lovely pattern. Could really use an ID if anyone has seen one like it I've had a good dig around in what resources I've got which are just a few sites online really, and she was in a dry (most years) area of rough ground, Rabbit managed and slightly elevated. Update: I think I've found her, she looks very much like a Euophrys frontalis Female, we'll see what my spidery friend thinks..lol

Lovely Spider-Cheiracanthium erraticum

16 Jun 2013 1 220
I shall wait for someone (you know who you are! :) ) to come and correct this ID of Cheiracanthium erraticum ;P

Patio Life: Syrus the Sitticus pubescens

14 Jun 2013 1 2 272
This is Vincent, (all the little males are Vincent and females Vienna, I can't actually tell each one apart!) I've cornered him near a log to try to get some nice photos, he is much smaller than Vienna, and curious too. Update: This is NOT Vincent, because he is not the spider I thought he was, thanks to Evan for the correct ID, this is Syrus the Sitticus pubescens, now maybe he will come when I call...

Patio Life: Sylvia the Sitticus pubescens

14 Jun 2013 2 249
A special family for me, this little jumper colonised my balcony/patio a few years ago, when my little eco system was in its prime really, and so I've been very pleased that they have managed to be in good numbers ever since. This is a female I believe, and she just had to see what I was doing photographing moths, and I suppose see if there were any I didn't want that she could have..lol Better luck next time Sylvia!

Patio Life: Jumping Spider

06 Aug 2012 77
Had these on the patio last year, Didn't think they would still be about after the total redo of the patio surface this year. I was quite glad to see him, even if he did have one of my moths :/

21 items in total