Bruce Hyde's photos with the keyword: Western Demoiselle

Western Demoiselle-DSD1665

Western Demoiselle-DSD 1663

Western Demoiselle DSD1350

Western Demoiselle m (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

29 Dec 2016 145
A handsome male Western Demoiselle damselfly (Calopteryx xanthostoma).

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

29 Dec 2016 117
Female Western Demoiselle damselfly (Calopteryx xanthostoma).

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

29 Dec 2016 87
Female Western Demoiselle (Calopteryx xanthostoma). Note the dull colouring compared to the male.

Western Demoiselle m (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

29 Dec 2016 109
Male Western Demoiselle (Calopteryx xanthostoma). Note the vivid colouring compared to the female.

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

29 Dec 2016 142
Female Western Demoiselle (Calopteryx xanthostoma). Note the dull colouring compared to the male.

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

Western Demoiselle m (Calopteryx xanthostoma) (5)

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

Three Little Maids

30 Sep 2015 131
Three Little Maids

Western Demoiselle m (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

Western Demoiselle thorax m (Calopteryx xanthostom…

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…

Western Demoiselle f (Calopteryx xanthostoma) DSB…