Boodarai's photos with the keyword: Salmon Faverolles

chick pretending to be Godzilla

11 Jul 2012 66
Our first Salmon Faverolles chick hatches in the mini incubator

our first Salmon Faverolles chick

11 Jul 2012 57
and no, that's not at error: it's two Salmon Faverolles and also one Salmon Faverolles

our first Salmon Faverolles chick

11 Jul 2012 71
and no, that's not at error: it's two Salmon Faverolles and also one Salmon Faverolles

Fonzie concerned

12 Jul 2012 61
as ever, Fonzie is fascinated by the baby birds and sits watching over them

Salmon Faverolles chick at 1 day old

12 Jul 2012 60
cute and fluffy, but all alone. Only 2 out of 7 eggs hatched, and the other chick is struggling to live. we've decided not to buy any more fertile eggs in winter - probably not the most fertile time, hence low hatch rate.