Boodarai's photos with the keyword: HelpX

making swing gates for the veranda

making swing gates for the veranda

08 Aug 2017 151
... mainly to keep the chooks out

Nelly's knitting: project #3

13 Jul 2017 169
A jumper for Fred. No pattern, just launched in and improvised as she went Too narrow? Add side panels, with triangular tails on the top to make the sleeves neater. Shawl neck, some buttons. And this was within two months of learning to knit!

Nelly's knitting: project #1

13 Jul 2017 179
Nelly's first ever knitting project: not a scarf, not a pot holder, but the Failynn Fox Cowl!

Nelly's knitting: project #2

13 Jul 2017 175
After the Fox Cowl, Nelly wanted to understand how to knit with double stranding. She made this camera case - note the twisted stranding on the inside. And the even tension. Amazing!

the Bastien bed

01 Jun 2017 127
second season of service - now with our entire garlic crop

the Aaron bed

01 Jun 2017 143
as ever, always the most productive; closest to the front door; always has something nice in it

Fred gets a birthday parcel from France!

15 Apr 2017 2 132
It isn't the Last Supper despite the resemblance

Fred gets a birthday parcel from France!

Fred gets a birthday parcel from France!

Cards Against Humanity

10 Apr 2017 144
so Ad and I played a game with André and Nelly, and these two rather rude combos came up!

Fred dismantles the sheep

goodbye to Moussaka and Haggis

07 Apr 2017 137
The hardest sheep we've had to kill, due to them being such nice sheep... But you know, circle of life

Nelly tackles the tomato jungle

07 Apr 2017 119
We had given up on the tomato beds. They were thick jungles. Nelly sorted them out and we can pick tomatoes without fear of tigers.

Phillip Island with that Canadian

11 Nov 2016 82
Summerland Beach

Phillip Island with that Canadian

11 Nov 2016 66
My first visit to Swan Lake, on the recommendation of a couple we met at the koala centre. It has two bird hides and there were loads of water birds.

Phillip Island with that Canadian

11 Nov 2016 89
Two nesting black swans, right in front of the bird hide at Swan Lake

Phillip Island with that Canadian

11 Nov 2016 65
family of Cape Barren geese at Cowrie Beach.

1483 items in total