Berny's photos with the keyword: Monument Valley

Yei Bi Chei and Totem Pole - 1986

06 Mar 2021 43 7 419
The Yei Bi Chei/Totem Pole Formation to the right, in the background "Rooster Rock" and "Meridian Butte" - Monument Valley scanned slide, Minolta X700

North Window Overlook - 1986

05 Mar 2021 51 26 415
view from "North Window Overlook", left to right: Elephant Butte (near forground), Sentinel Mesa (background) and Merrick Butte before, a little bit of Eagle Mesa and Setting Hen in the far background, then Big Indian, Brighams Tomb and King On His Throne (the little finger), Stagecoach and finally East Mitten Butte in the right forground. scanned slide, Minolta X700

Rain God Mesa - 1986

05 Mar 2021 35 20 393
south wall of "Rain God Mesa" in Monument Valley, seen from Indian Route 42 scanned slide, Minolta X700

Monument Valley - 1986

04 Mar 2021 76 36 569
West Mitten, East Mitten and Merrick Butte, seen from (near) John Wayne's Point - Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park - scanned slide, Minolta X700

West Mitten Butte at sunrise - 1986

10 Dec 2020 37 17 2147
Monument valley scanned slide Minolta X700, Fujichrome100

Approaching Monument Valley

04 Mar 2021 100 34 2661
I posted this already 10 years ago, but it fits now for the coming images of Monument valley. - scanned slide, Minolta X700

Harley revisited

Two Austrians in the Wild West

26 Jul 2008 5 3 1339
Little Hansi and little Berny marveling at the great landscape.....

26 items in total