Berny's photos with the keyword: Dodge

Dodge versus fence - HFF!

02 Apr 2021 70 51 484
in the very small village Cerro Castillo, Chile - Patagonia HFF and a happy Eastertime to all!

colors of convertibles - HFF!

06 Nov 2020 50 37 454
HFF and a great - but most important - safe weekend, my friends! 1956 Buick Century Convertible 1952 Ford Crestline Convertible 1958 Dodge Custom Royal Convertible 1956 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible

beware of the dodge

30 Nov 2015 22 3 885
old Dodge truck at the Estancia Haberton, Tierra del Fuego -Patagonia, see the dangerousness in the PiP ;-)

the dodge is watching you

06 Jan 2011 14 6 1195
Dodge truck, late 1930's, automobile museum in Patagonia

Dodge truck

06 Jan 2011 369
Dodge truck from the late 1930's, museum Mina Rica, Patagonia