Berny's photos with the keyword: Cafe

Bye Chicago!

11 Apr 2021 42 16 330
last image of this series, next stop Toronto unfortunately I couldn't find the Cafe where I took this photo in 1986, I know only the area..... scanned slide, Minolta X700

here ends the northern route

16 Jan 2018 9 8 472
maybe, maybe not, but anyway, this café is seriously cult ;-)) Skarsvåg

come in

26 Jan 2018 18 14 509
Pub in the little village Sund - Lofoten


05 May 2011 82 12 4163
Cafe Paris - La Habana, Cuba.....(on black)


05 Mar 2011 5 9 889
springtime is today.............. from "Wollschweinsalami" to "Kernöleierspeis", all specialities of Styria

< Sign

30 Sep 2008 3 2 737
ahhhhhh.....Cafe - Taverna