Berny's photos with the keyword: spillway

Diga di Santa Caterina - 1997

18 Jan 2022 120
scanned slide, Minolta X700

Diga di Santa Caterina

18 Jan 2022 38 9 314
The river Ansiei has been dammed up in the 30's to the Lago di Santa Caterina. - scanned slides, Minolta X700

Embalse Valle Grande

20 Oct 2021 23 6 318
The hydro power complex is called "Nihuil IV". The reservoir has an area of about 5 km² and a volume of 168 Mio. m³ of water. - scanned slide, Minolta X700

Presa Valle Grande

20 Oct 2021 36 11 323
The concrete dam "Presa Valle Grande" backs up the reservoir "Embalse Valle Grande" (Rio Atuel). The dam is 115 m tall, the crest is 300 m long, the flood spillway has a capacity of 512 m³/s. The hydro power plant "Nihuil IV" opened in 1997. - If the spillway goes in operation, the camping site is not recommendable ;-) - scanned slide, Minolta X700

Arizona Spillway - 1986

11 Feb 2021 26 4 330
Hoover Dam is protected against an uncontrolled overflow by two flood spillways, one on the Nevada side and the other one the Arizona side. The spillways are controlled by drum gates and the overflow goes into side channels and huge 15 m wide tunnels to the tailwater. The total capacity is 11000 m³/s. The large spillway tunnels have only been used twice, for testing in 1941 and because of flooding in 1983. scanned slides, Minolta X700

Presa de Cacoyuguin

13 Jul 2020 29 3 260
This water reservoir northwest of Holguin was constructed in 1951 to 1953. Area is 1.6 km², volume 5.6 millions m³.