aNNa schramm's photos with the keyword: Frosch


09 Sep 2024 14 9 228
Radiergummi: Bär Kronkorken: Schmetterling - BraunerBär Stein: Alpensalamander Mitte: Frosch rechts auf Bienenwabe: Maikäfer, Glasbienen, Biene, Schwarze Holzbiene Vordergrund: Elch ;-))

The frog in the fog

19 Aug 2024 23 32 330
In the meadow - there was a small frog then came ... a big dog that was a shock so hopped and jumped the frog quickly into the fog ... ;-)))

Es weihnachtet sehr ...

26 Dec 2022 8 236
...auch das ist 'Weihnachtsschmuck' für den Tannenbaum... :-))) Frosch und Dackel - festlich geschmückt Diese zwei habe ich vor vielen, vielen Jahren als Geschenk bekommen...


26 Dec 2022 15 7 176
MM - 26.12.2022 - Thema: "Weihnachtsschmuck" - Frosch und Dackel als Weihnachtskugeln - schön geschmückt für den Tannenbaum :-))) ...oder auch nicht :-))) _______


06 Nov 2022 9 14 143
Dies ist die Auflösung meiner Frage bei dem vorherigen Bild TEXTUR >>> - es ist ein - bzw es sind zwei, der/die Dicke hockt auf dem Kleineren - Grasfrosch (Rana temporaria)


06 Nov 2022 16 26 282
??? - wer weiß was das ist -??? Die Auflösung ist die Haut eines Grasfrosches ... s. nächstes Fotos !!! _______ CMT - 6.11.2022 - Thema: Textur


17 Aug 2019 27 28 527
durchs Glas geschaut ...

The prince in my hand ...

07 Jul 2019 39 72 540
... der Prinz in meiner Hand ... TSC - 07.07.2019 - Theme. SKIN

2 Frösche noch winzig klein ...

06 Jul 2019 13 12 418
Der Grasfrosch (Rana temporaria) gehört zur Gattung der Echten Frösche in der Familie der Echten Frösche. Der Grasfrosch wurde zum „Lurch des Jahres 2018“ gekürt.

Der Frosch im Glas

Frosch im Flummi - Flummi im Wasser - Wasser im Gl…

22 Jan 2018 40 65 924
Flummi ist ein massiver Ball aus einer mittelharten Gummimischung wird im Sprachgebrauch auch Flummi, Superball, Dotzball, Querball oder Dopsball genannt. Durch die Eigenschaften des Materials haben diese Bälle eine geringe Elastizität, aber eine hohe Sprungkraft

Pacific Tree Frog var. (PiP)

30 Mar 2017 4 5 345
Pacific Tree Frog var. (Pseudacris regilla) Fauna im Nisqually River Delta in der Nähe vom Puget Sound im nordöstlichen Thurston County, Washington und dem nordwestlichen Pierce County, WA, USA. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA, USA. The Pacific tree frog (Pseudacris regilla), also known as the Pacific chorus frog, has a range from the West Coast of the United States (from Northern California, Oregon, and Washington) to British Columbia in Canada and extreme southern Alaska. They live from sea level to more than 10,000 feet in many types of habitats, reproducing in aquatic settings. They occur in shades of greens or browns and can change colors over periods of hours and weeks. The Pacific tree frog grows up to 2 inches from snout to urostyle. The males are usually smaller than the females and have a dark patch on their throats. The dark patch is the vocal sac, which stretches out when the male is calling. Pacific tree frogs can be a number of different colors, including green, tan, reddish, gray, brown, cream, and black, but most are a shade of green or brown, with pale or white bellies. They have a variety of dark and spotty markings on their backs and sides and can be identified by a black or dark brown eye stripe that stretches from the nose, across the eye, and back to the shoulder. They can change color seasonally to better match their environments.. (Wiki)

Pacific Tree Frog (PiP)

30 Mar 2017 8 15 438
Fauna im Nisqually River Delta in der Nähe vom Puget Sound im nordöstlichen Thurston County, Washington und dem nordwestlichen Pierce County, WA, USA. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, WA, USA. The Pacific tree frog (Pseudacris regilla), also known as the Pacific chorus frog, has a range from the West Coast of the United States (from Northern California, Oregon, and Washington) to British Columbia in Canada and extreme southern Alaska. They live from sea level to more than 10,000 feet in many types of habitats, reproducing in aquatic settings. They occur in shades of greens or browns and can change colors over periods of hours and weeks. The Pacific tree frog grows up to 2 inches from snout to urostyle. The males are usually smaller than the females and have a dark patch on their throats. The dark patch is the vocal sac, which stretches out when the male is calling. Pacific tree frogs can be a number of different colors, including green, tan, reddish, gray, brown, cream, and black, but most are a shade of green or brown, with pale or white bellies. They have a variety of dark and spotty markings on their backs and sides and can be identified by a black or dark brown eye stripe that stretches from the nose, across the eye, and back to the shoulder. They can change color seasonally to better match their environments.. (Wiki)