Andrew Luyten's photos with the keyword: Palazzo Ducale

Looking Out From the Bridge of Sighs

Herri met de Bles: Inferno

18 Apr 2018 126
Detail, Doge's Palace

Tintoretto: The Second Conquest of Constantinople

18 Apr 2018 97
Detail, Sala del Maggior Consiglio. Doge's Palace

Zelotti: Venetia

18 Apr 2018 111
Sala del Consiglio dei Dieci, Doge's Palace

Veronese: Juno Showering Gifts on Venetia

18 Apr 2018 119
Sala del Consiglio dei Dieci, Doge's Palace

Ponchino: Mercurio y Minerva

18 Apr 2018 100
Sala del Consiglio dei Dieci, Doge's Palace

Optical Illusion Flooring

18 Apr 2018 83
Works very well from the right angle (which this isn't). Doge's Palace

Veronese: Doge Sebastiano Venier Gives Thanks for…

18 Apr 2018 112
Sala del Collegio, Doge's Palace

Gilded Face

Door Carving #2

18 Apr 2018 123
Doge's Palace

Door Carving #1

18 Apr 2018 77
Doge's Palace.

Marble Relief Panel

18 Apr 2018 107
Doge's Palace

Watching over Venice

18 Apr 2018 109
St Mark's Basilica skyline, seen from the Doge's Palace.

Mouth of Secret Accusations

18 Apr 2018 122
Doge's Palace, Venice. Roughly translated as: "Secret denunciations against those who hide favours and services, or collude to hide the true income of them." The idea being to drop a note in the mouth identifying anyone you thought to be a bad citizen.

Ponte dei Sospiri

18 Apr 2018 101
aka Bridge of Sighs