Andrew Luyten's photos with the keyword: Surrey

Maiden Flight II

29 Jun 2014 176
Tricky to get good focus as the dragonfly clatters its way out of the bulrushes. After clearing the pond all of the ones I have watched have flown off in the same direction (W).

Water Lily 'James Brydon'

Water Lily 'James Brydon'

Water Lily 'James Brydon'

29 Jun 2014 245
Pretty much the only smallish semi-shade lily I could find, but it does very well and is quite spectacular.

Southern Hawker 11

29 Jun 2014 162
A bit of a favourite bulrush for emergence.

Southern Hawker 10

29 Jun 2014 190
Maiden flight - not quite the high speed acrobat yet though.

Large Red Damselfly

29 Jun 2014 134
They do sometimes slow down enough to get a shot.

Azure Damselfly

29 Jun 2014 149
There are usually a few of these at the pond at any time during the summer. Even more difficult to photograph than the dragonfly.

Southern Hawker 9

29 Jun 2014 153
Wings and abdomen in their final shape. Some waiting time now for things to harden up a bit.


29 Jun 2014 132
Usually remain attached for a few days which is handy for counting how many dragonflys have emerged - more than ten so far this year.

Southern Hawker 8

29 Jun 2014 121
Looking a bit more wing like.

Southern Hawker 7

29 Jun 2014 130
The teneral has changed its orientation and ready to pump up those wings and elongate its abdomen.

Southern Hawker 6

Southern Hawker 5

29 Jun 2014 138
The first time I've seen this quite early stage, pausing for a while after breaking out of its larval skin while its legs harden. The wings look somewhat improbable at this point.

Southern Hawker 4

29 Jun 2014 146
With some backlighting

Southern Hawker 3

Southern Hawker 2

29 Jun 2014 166
My what big eyes you have.

Southern Hawker 1

29 Jun 2014 155
Nearly ready to go.

28 items in total