Tony James' photos with the keyword: moth

P071G Eumorpha anchemolus

23 Apr 2015 343
Sphingidae. Wingspan: 155mm. A giant in this group. A single specimen was found on an internal wall of the hotel when we arrived.

P074G Nyceryx coffaeae

23 Apr 2015 185
Sphingidae. Wingspan: 66mm. My thanks to Bill Oelkhe for helping with this ID. Two specimens came to light at Gamboa.

P072G Cosmosoma teuthras

P081G Phaemolis lineatus

P085G Automeris incarnata

23 Apr 2015 265

P084G Calonotos metallicus

23 Apr 2015 245
Arctiidae, Ctenuchinae - Wingspan: 36mm. One of a number of species seen in Panama, and when I saw them inevitably, the name "Candy-tails" came to mind, as the colours look like some types of children's sweet-sticks. I wouldn't recommend anyone trying to eat these though, as bright colours in the natural world usually mean "poison"!

P082G Viviennea salma

1992 Deilephila porcellus (Small Elephant Hawkmoth…

30 Mar 2014 2 228
Sphingidae, Macroglossinae Wingspan: 50mm. The "baby brother" of the previous species, but no less colourful. In Cornwall, it occurs mainly in coastal regions on Sand Dunes or short-grass moorland, where the foodplants, various Bedstraws (Galium sps.) can grow. In good locations, it can occur in sizable numbers.

1991 Deilephila elpenor (Elephant Hawkmoth)

30 Mar 2014 1 2 301
Sphingidae, Macroglossinae Wingspan: 74mm. This is one of the commonest UK Hawkmoths, and the above specimen had just emerged from the pupa, so it's colours were fresh and pristine. The colours mimic the flowers of the Rosebay Willowherb (Chamerion angustifolium), a large wild plant which grows in swathes on wild or disused ground. It is also one of the food plants for the caterpillars.

1990 Hyles livornica (Striped Hawkmoth)

30 Mar 2014 212
Sphingidae Macroglossinae Wingspan: 90mm. An uncommon migrant to the UK, but may be seen almost any year around May. However, single specimens have been discovered at any time if the conditions are favourable. In 2006, we had two specimens arrive at our garden trap.

1981 Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawkmoth)

18 Sep 2013 256
Sphingidae Smerinthinae Final Length: ~70mm. These are two different colour forms of the caterpillars for this moth. I've not seen a yellow one before, but they appeared in the brood from eggs laid in 2011

1980 Smerinthus ocellata (Eyed Hawkmoth)

18 Sep 2013 1 2 300
Sphingidae Smerinthinae Wingspan: 88mm. A common UK Hawkmoth, although cryptically marked on the visible forewings at rest, if disturbed, it reveals the false eyes on the hindwings to deter would-be predators by suddenly exposing them.

1980 Smerinthus ocellata (Eyed Hawkmoth)

30 Mar 2014 3 1 224
Sphingidae Smerinthinae Final Length: ~80mm. This species caterpillar has a distinct bluish tinge to its green colour, with generally white side stripes. Younger caterpillars have very pointed heads.

1979 Mimas tiliae (Lime Hawkmoth)

30 Mar 2014 1 300
Sphingidae Smerinthinae Wingspan: 80mm. This pretty medium sized moth is quite variable in the adult stage, often being a mixture of dark green and brick red. The mid-fore-wing spots, can vary in size from being joined together to form a band, to being so small as to almost be missing. They generally occur around urban park land where-ever Lime Trees (Tilia species) occur.

1979 Mimas tiliae (Lime Hawkmoth)

18 Sep 2013 2 330
Sphingidae Smerinthinae Final Length: 60mm. A medium-sized Hawkmoth, quite common where-ever their food-plants of Lime Trees (Tilia species) occur. This picture was inadvertently labelled as an Eyed Hawkmoth Caterpillar originally during compilation of the pictures to upload.