Tony James' photos with the keyword: Agriopsis

1934 Agriopsis marginaria (Dotted Border)

06 Mar 2014 279
Geometridae, Ennominae Wingspan: 32-40mm. A common species throughout the UK, And one of the first species to appear for the Spring. Although similar to1935 Erannis defoliaria (Mottled Umber), that species is much earlier than the above, although there is a possible overlap in the flight seasons. Generally, though, the Dotted Border is a lighter coloured species with no mid-forewing spot, and as its common name implies, a distinct row of dots all around the edges of the four wings. You are more likely to see this species in the gardens. The flight season in the UK is quoted as February to April, but in Cornwall individuals can sometimes be seen as early as December, and as late as July.