Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: handles

A Teacher on Her Way to School in Her Own Private…

30 Sep 2019 5 2 771
A double-exposure trick photo of a woman pushing herself on a wheelbarrow. The double exposure did produce an amusing photo, but the photographer had to add white outlining at the bottom to make the wheelbarrow stand out from the dark streak that runs vertically through the center of the photo. This is a real photo postcard postmarked in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, on October 1, 1908, and addressed to Miss Flossie Minch , Waldo, Wisconsin. The sender of the postcard, who's the woman pushing and riding the wheelbarrow, was a schoolteacher. She identified herself only by her initials—N.B.—on the other side of the card. (It's possible, I suppose, that a schoolteacher might use N.B. as the abbreviation for the Latin phrase nota bene , but my guess is that these are the initials of her name.) The message that N.B. wrote on the front of the card (to the left of the photo) has been erased, but enough of it remains that I was able to decipher it. Her written caption for the photo was: "On my way to school in my own private automobile. Ha. Ha." Here's my transcription of N.B.'s message on the other side of the card: Hello Floss, How are you spending these cold days? I enjoy teaching ever so much. Have 21 pupils. Regards to Miss Thomas, Miss Patterson, Miss Stratton. N.B. Sheb., Wis., c/o Mr. J. Kuemmet , R.#4. Love to all the girls. For some other double-exposure trick photos with wheelbarrows and wagons, see: -- A Man Simultaneously Pushing and Riding a Wheelbarrow -- A Man Pushing Himself on a Wheelbarrow -- A Woman Pulling Herself on a Wagon -- Girls Pulling Themselves on a Wagon

Buckeye Force Pumps, Springfield, Ohio

28 Aug 2016 4 2 1236
"Buckeye Force Pumps. Mast, Foos & Co., Springfield, O.-U.S.A. Manufacturers of Buckeye Lawn Mowers, Iron Turbine & Buckeye Wind Engines." A dramatic illustration of why Victorian-era families needed Buckeye Force Pumps--so the kids could help extinguish house fires!

Boy in a Playboy Toy Wagon, 1938

09 Jul 2014 4 1851
Handwritten on the back of the photo: "Tege [or Lege?], taken Jan. 1938."

Uncle Sam's Advice: Use the Empire Wringer

03 Mar 2014 1 1320
"Buy the 'Empire' Wringer. Uncle Sam--'Take my advice, and if you want a surplus use the Empire well.'"

Tricycle Safety Matches

A Man Simultaneously Pushing and Riding a Wheelbar…

13 Jan 2014 1 1 2820
Double-exposure trickery makes it appear that the same man is both pushing and riding the wheelbarrow in this real photo postcard. For similar trick photos, see A Man Pushing Himself on a Wheelbarrow and A Woman Pulling Herself on a Wagon .

Eclipse Lawn Mower Natural Grip, New for 1941

05 Jul 2013 1 1333
Eclipse Natural Grip, New for 1941. All steel handle. The greatest innovation in lawn mower performance. Amazingly different; for the first time normal posture with natural grip. Your 1941 feature item. Eclipse, Prophetstown.