Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: compliments

Charles Smith—Ornamental Pensmanship on a Calling…

18 Aug 2016 6 1198
"Chas. H. Smith. Compliments." (I'm not sure that the middle initial is H, however.) An impressive example of ornamental penmanship on a hand-drawn and -lettered "flourished" calling card that likely dates to the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. Note how the bird appears to be eyeing an insect of some sort. Here are some other similarly ornate cards: Although it's not as ornate, this flourished card also features a bird chasing after an insect: This one's even simpler: The design on the following calling card is printed, but it imitates the hand-drawn and -lettered cards:

Alice G. Junker, Yreka, California

10 Jul 2015 2 1689
"Compliments of your neice Alice." Handwritten note on the back of this photographic calling card: "Mrs. A. E. Junker, Yereka, Cal. Taken some years ago." Based on the handwritten additions, this card and its inset tintype photo belonged to Alice G. Junker, who was married to Albert E Junker. In 1910, when Alice was 44 years old and Albert was 48, they lived in Yreka Ward 2, Siskiyou County, California. It's likely that the calling card dates to the 1880s or 1890s.

With My Compliments

13 Dec 2015 2 658
"With my compliments." Why would someone be giving away lemons "with my compliments"? It helps to know that handing someone a lemon in the early twentieth century when this postcard appeared was actually a way to say "scram," "beat it," or in the parlance of the day, "skidoo" or "23 skidoo." For more information about "23 skidoo" and how it related to lemons, see Skidoo 23 Is Now 37 :

My Card and My Compliments

04 Mar 2018 1 383
"Jennie R. Baker. My card and my compliments. Please give yours in exchange."

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All! 188…

15 Dec 2017 2 2 510
"To all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 1884. 1885. Compliments of A. K. Hoffmeier, manufacturer and dealer in fine medium and common furniture, No. 26 East King St., Lancaster, Pa."

S. Kronenberg's Sons Calendar, Carlisle, Pa., 1913

09 Jan 2015 8 1 1020
"Compliments of S. Kronenberg's Sons, clothing, 6-8 S. Hanover St., Carlisle, Pa. A bit of gossip. Copyright, 1911, R. Hill. January 1913."

Independence Day / Easter Compliments

04 Jul 2014 1 1094
"Independence Day. 101. Easter compliments of T. G. Daub, grocer." One advertising trade card, two holidays! Theodore Gustav Daub, a grocer from Easton, Pennsylvania, printed an Easter greeting on this Independence Day trade card.

Easter Greetings Compliments of Lancaster Music Co…

15 Apr 2014 1095
"Compliments of Lancaster Music Co., O. F. Brinkman, manager, pianos and organs, sheet music and musical merchandise, 21 East Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa."

Compliments for Easter, Groff's Tropical Garden, R…

03 Apr 2015 2 769
"Groff's Tropical Garden, Compliments for Easter." A Victorian-era advertising trade card. See below for additional examples of Easter trade cards.

Christmas Compliments from the Garbage Man, 1917

19 Dec 2014 2 2 1760
In days of yore, the paper boy , message delivery boy , milkman , coal man , and even the garbage man might give you their holiday greetings! Compliments from the Garbage Man Christmas comes and Christmas goes, With summer rains and winter snows. The garbage man who always goes, Fighting mankind's every foe. He's poor and humble and knows no wealth, But is ever guarding the public health. He works in cheer and knows no fear, Of the deadly germ that is always near. So don't forget him when Christmas comes, To help him make his loved ones dear, With just a little Christmas cheer. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 1917-1918.

A Merry Christmas, Compliments of Temple & Farring…

Acquaintance Compliments with Confidence and Respe…

21 Apr 2015 2 922
"Acquaintance compliments with confidence & respect. Can I have the pleasure of your company this evening? If so, keep this card; if not, please return it. O. G. Pfleogor." This is the only card I've come across that has a name printed on one side (like a calling card ) and a "let's get acquainted" message (like an acquaintance card ) on the other side.