Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: crying
Let Me Cry Your Next Sale
22 Mar 2014 |
"Let me cry your next sale and get the money. My prices are right. J. H. Markle, auctioneer and notary public. Lock box 44, Hanover, Pa. Spangler, 113 Locust St., Hanover. Pa."
Krampus on Sputnik
10 Dec 2016 |
Den Krampus soll der Sputnik holen,
Weil er die Kinder hat bestohlen!
I'm not sure of the exact translation of the rhyming lines on this Austrian postcard (dated 1961 on the back), but I believe the general idea is that Krampus is making his getaway on Sputnik (which evidently can refer to a rocket as well as a satellite ) because he has just taken the children's pretzels and other treats, ones that St. Nicholas gave to them.
Double Trouble
16 Jul 2015 |
A temper tantrum photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park.
A 1906 Bamforth postcard with a photo by Robert McCrum shows a not-so-dulcet duet of unhappy infants.
Don't Cry Johnny!
09 Dec 2015 |
"Don't cry, Johny. We have a new White Sewing Machine that will sew you all up so you will stay. W. J. Morgan & Co, Cleveland, O."
The Jokemaster
12 Feb 2014 |
"The Jokemaster. / At cracking jokes you're a wow, / But your wisecracks are old, somehow, / Your jokes are stale, your puns are cheap, / You're so darn funny you make us weep!"
A vinegar valentine criticizing those jokesters who tell us, "Listen--here's a new one!," and then proceed to relate a stale old chestnut from Joe Miller 's Joke Book (the first version of the book was published as Joe Miller's Jests, or the Wit's Vade-Mecum in 1739).
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children
28 May 2013 |
Dr. Hand's Remedies for Children
Mothers, use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure in place of stupefying syrups, paregoric, and cordials. Immediate relief for wind colic or crying babies. Not injurious.
Pleasant physic, teething lotion, diarrhoea mixture, cough and croup medicine.
Colic cure, worm elixir, general tonic, chafing.
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