Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: diamonds

Season's Greetings from the Dé Lardis, 1938

26 Dec 2020 1 1 437
"The Dé Lardis. 1938 Season's Greetings." Photographer Alfred A. Dé Lardi (1900-1993) created this small but unique greeting card that superimposed photos of himself, his wife Dorothy, and his daughters Janice and Yvonne onto individual playing cards (plus there's an extra card that doesn't have a photo). Since there's a total of three queens and two kings (three of a kind and a pair), I think he was suggesting that there was a " full house " at the Dé Lardi residence in 1938! Alfred Dé Lardi was a well-known photographer who worked for the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper, Holiday magazine, and various companies, including the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Philadelphia Electric Company. He taught photography courses at a number of schools and colleges in the Philadelphia area, and he also authored or edited a number of books on photography, such as Let's Make a Portrait (1937), Your Child's Portrait (1937), and Ships and Water (1938). A collection of Dé Lardi's works was held by the Philadelphia History Museum, and a finding aid, Alfred A. Dé Lardi Negatives and Photographs , circa 1929-1964, was formerly available through the University of Pennsylvania Libraries (unfortunately, the Philadelphia History Museum closed in 2018, but there are plans underway to transfer its collections to Drexel University). I'd like to acknowledge Gary Discavage, a dealer at Apple Hill Antiques in State College, Pa., who graciously gave me this photographic greeting card. Gary originally received the card from Alfred Dé Lardi, who was his friend and neighbor when he lived in Philadelphia. Thanks, Gary!

Stick to Me and You Will Wear Diamonds, L. M. Arno…

30 Sep 2018 1 623
The last line on this amusing acquaintance card refers to a song, "Any Old Place I Can Hang My Hat Is Home Sweet Home to Me," which was published as sheet music in 1901 and recorded on phonograph cylinder in 1902, making it likely that the card dates from sometime in the early 1900s. For more cards, see my album of Acquaintance Cards . For information about my book of detachable acquaintance cards, head over to my Flickr About page L. M. Arnold, Sand Patch, Pa., R.F.D. No. 1 Let's get acquainted. Capital 50 millions in my dreams. Not married. Stick to me and you will wear diamonds, Kind regards to friends and knockers. Out for a good time. Any old place I hang my hat is my home sweet home.

Costume Creepiness (Full Version)

29 Oct 2017 2 2 564
See also a cropped version of this real photo postcard.

Costume Creepiness

29 Oct 2017 5 4 746
An additional Halloween photo for the Vintage Photos Theme Park ( post as many photos as you want--no limit!--that relate directly or indirectly to Halloween ). I'm not certain whether this photo was actually taken at Halloween, but I wouldn't want to run into this scary group in a dark alley on trick-or-treat night. See also the full version of this real photo postcard.

Ho! For a Happy Halloween

15 Oct 2015 3 2 1517
A Halloween pickle-pumpkin person postcard! Postmarked: Howard City, Mich., Oct. 29, 1920. Addressed to: Mrs. Ida Roush, Coral, Mich. R.F.D. Handwritten message: "Howard City, Oct. 27. Dear Ida, Will be down Sun. if the weather is good. If you have anything else on, call and let me know and we can come some other time. Lovingly, Ida Gates."

The Penn Harris Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.

17 Apr 2015 2 911
"The Penn Harris, Harrisburg, Pa. Five distinctive restaurants."

Playing Cards, One Pack, U.S. Internal Revenue

24 Oct 2015 3 1857
"Playing Cards, 1 Pack, U.S. Int. Rev. A.P.C. Co." Revenue stamps used to indicate payment of fees or taxes on playing cards, oleomargarine, and photographs, plus a telegraph stamp used to pay for a telegram (see above and below).