Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: carnivals

Philadelphia Carnival, April 18, 1881

02 Mar 2015 3 1857
"Philadelphia Carnival, Easter Monday night, April 18th, 1881, at the Academy of Music. A. M. J. Mueller, del. J. H. Camp, litho." An elaborate trade card announcing the Philadelphia Carnival, which was held at the Academy of Music on the day after Easter in 1881.

Pansy the Roller-Skating Cow

28 Jul 2014 7 4 1423
"'Pansy' the Roller-Skating Cow, featuring Rose, Betty, and Harry Rapp (A Rapp & Rapp Production)." Pansy the Roller-Skating Cow performed for fairs, carnivals, and circuses throughout the United States during the 1940s and 1950s. Other than some newspaper ads and brief mentions in Billboard magazine that turned up in Google searches, I haven't been able to locate any information regarding Pansy or the Rapps.

Never Trouble Trouble Before Trouble Troubles You

23 Mar 2017 3 467
A good motto for times like these. 8-)