Alan Mays' photos with the keyword: merchants

Geo. W. Kissinger, Flour, Feed, and Potatoes, Read…

19 Aug 2024 104
A small Victorian-era trade card for George W Kissinger (1855-1935), a merchant in Reading, Pennsylvania. Geo. W. Kissinger, Flour, Feed & Potatoes, No. 929 Penn St., Reading, Pa. Bufford

Littlefield and Hosmer, Dealers in Foreign and Dom…

02 Dec 2024 3 49
Littlefield & Hosmer Dealers in foreign and domestic fruits, butter, eggs, beans, &c. Oranges, lemons, bananas, and apples a specialty. Country produce sold on commission. No. 9 North Market Street, Boston. W. E. Littlefield, Chas. B. Hosmer. A book about the Leading Manufacturers and Merchants of the City of Boston (1885), p. 203, provides a history of this business, which operated under the name of Littlefield & Hosmer beginning in 1881: Littlefield & Hosmer , Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, No. 9 North Market Street. — The business conducted by this firm was established in 1866, and during the nineteen years of its career it has enjoyed a large measure of success. It was founded under the firm style of Littlefield & Enslin, and it was conducted under this title for fifteen years. On the retirement of Mr. Enslin, however, in 1881, he was succeeded by Mr. Charles R. Hosmer, and the style of the house was then changed to its present one of Littlefield & Hosmer. The firm occupy the basement floor, which is 20x40 feet in dimensions, and this is stocked with very choice selections of foreign and domestic fruits of every description. The firm makes a specialty of oranges, lemons, bananas, and apples, the former of which are shipped to them from the most celebrated producing districts of Jamaica, Central America, Florida, etc., and in these classes of fruits they conduct a good trade. They sell on commission all kinds of fruit, and prompt sales and liberal advances are made if required. All foreign fruits and vegetables are procured direct from the ship at their ultimate points of destination. The house enjoys a large city and suburban trade. The individual members of the firm are Mr. W. E. Littlefield and Mr. Charles B. Hosmer, both of whom were born in Maine, the former in 1837 and the latter in 1840.

W. H. Michael, Headquarters for Southern Fruits an…

06 Apr 2020 2 291
For the front of this business card, see W. H. Michael & Son, Commission Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. . W. H. Michael. 114. Foreign and domestic fruits, nuts, etc., wholesale and commission. Headquarters for southern fruits and vegetables.

W. H. Michael & Son, Commission Merchants, Philade…

06 Apr 2020 1 304
For the back of this business card, see W. H. Michael, Headquarters for Southern Fruits and Vegetables . W. H. Michael & Son, commission merchants and wholesale dealers, foreign and domestic fruits, &c., No. 114 Dock St., (West Side), Philadelphia, Pa. Wm. H. Michael. A. W. Michael. Established 1868. Represented by G. C. Sanderson.

Independence Day / Easter Compliments

04 Jul 2014 1 1094
"Independence Day. 101. Easter compliments of T. G. Daub, grocer." One advertising trade card, two holidays! Theodore Gustav Daub, a grocer from Easton, Pennsylvania, printed an Easter greeting on this Independence Day trade card.

H. M. Bruck, Merchant Tailor, Baltimore, Md.

27 Jun 2013 1 785
"H. M. Bruck, merchant tailor, No. 118 Park Avenue, near Lexington Street, Baltimore."